Truthful News Weekend 2024-06-24 – (7 videos)

Summary: Very Tough week week again with little time, and most videos I checked I found not good enough to share. Anyway, at least some sufficiently worthwhile ones I found. (pity I have no fellows to also help finding worthy videos by which we could find more even in bad weeks)

Stars and channels: Due Dissidence, Sabby Sabs, Democracy At Work, Social Security Disability Benefit Videos SSI SSDI, The Jimmy Dore Show, ABC News, Democracy At Work (Jun 20, 2024)


  1. Our Suffering and Need for Change */**
  2. R & D Mafiosi “Parties” Again Cutting Away Democracy *
  3. Economic Update: Tariffs *
  4. Huge Difficulty to Get Social Security Welfare *
  5. America’s Militarization Moving Forward (now even on women!)
  6. A Media Hint That Our Housing Tax Crimes May Be Removed *
  7. Immigration Toughness
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