Russiahhh Satire (by Rachel Mad)

The Dakotas are suffering a negative 50 degrees right now. How did this happen? Well, Russia, of course. Oh, and don’t blame the fires in California on Climate Change! Naturally, they were caused by Russia!

And the refugee caravans from the South didn’t result from U.S. interference in Latin America on behalf of fruit and oil companies to which our politicians are beholden. No, it wasn’t American-sponsored Contra death squads who ruined those countries, financed by CIA drug trafficking and the Iran-Contra arms deals the Reagan administration secretly ran. Nor does it have anything to do with immigrants thrown into brutal American prisons where they could only survive if they ganged up, thus forming MS-13, and when we deported them back to their homelands they brought the brutal gang culture with them upturning the their native countries. No, it was Russia, of course. Same goes for undocumented immigrants seeking jobs wherever they can get them. American employers who illegally employ them have nothing whatsoever to do with undocumented immigration. No, it’s Russia!

Continue reading “Russiahhh Satire (by Rachel Mad)”

Video Weekend 04-28-2018 (10 videos)

This weekend compilation of politically relevant videos includes three that I found gathering dust on my virtual shelves (this happens since I have to do my research and writing on the side of making a living) and which it is high time to share. Topics: mainstream party corruption, the right to assemble and dissent, money in politics, our continued economic decline, the joke our mass media have become, and challenging the system. Major stars: Nick Braña, Jimmy Dore, Richard Wolf, Mike Figueredo, Steve Grumbine…


I. Mainstream Party Corruption

Get an insight view of the “Democratic” Donors Party. Also, why Democrats give up on the “Democratic” Party and root for a New Party:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title “MPP-TV Second Interview With Former Howard County, Iowa Chair Of Democratic Party, Laura Hubka” and the name Nick Braña (our future president, mark my words 😉 ).)

Nice quote: If we want to make change, don’t we actually have to be who we say we are?


II. Constitution and Democracy

The right to assemble and dissent:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title “Free Speech, the Right to Assemble and the Chilling Effects of the Police State” and the name Steve Grumbine.)

Just remember that this only one of many similar events across our country. The establishment is trying throughout our nation to criminalize us for not agreeing with its destructive cruelty. Back when this video apparently slipped through my cracks, so also did this related article.

Note, 234 people were charged with mostly felony charges for being present at a demonstration! Making use of your 1st amendment right or simply passing by while others do is now being treated as a felony! How much more un-American can our country get?

As this more recent article explains, some 59 arrested people are still being prosecuted.


III. Money in Politics

Pay-to-Play Clinton Style :

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Hillary Clinton & Bill Clinton’s Legally Questionable Schemes Using Clinton Foundation”)


The corruption bosses keep roaming and raiding:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “The DNC and DCCC are Funneling Money to Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC”)


DNC Weapon of Mass Distraction, revolving doors, …:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “DNC Files Lawsuit Instead Of Helping People”)


IV. Economy

Simple truths that should be obvious to everyone:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Economic Update: Struggling Against the System”)

Richard Wolff: “bottom of the economic heap which is the lower 2/3”

Living space: 14.9 m2 = 160 square feet = a room of 12.6 x 12.6 feet, basically a largish bedroom… and that as a whole apartment. I am sure Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t live on that square footage. It’s more like low-income ancient Romans or their slaves. Essentially, working people who a generation ago could afford real apartments or entire houses are now moving into dormitories. Definitely not an economic “recovery” but an economic decline.

Comment: O.K. … so, in our economic system, the rich maximize their profits by driving people into poverty and financial struggles, so they become depressed and take anti-depressents, which further turn up the profits for the rich who hold ownership over the drug factories. So, even more profits for the rich. So, all is good.


V. Mainstream Media Morass

AKA lamestream or shamestream media.

Propaganda TV:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “BBC Host Tries Censoring Truth On Syria”)

Comment: Jimmy asks who actually stills turns on the TV to get informed by corporate channels like CNN. My answer: I occasionally watch those channels, and I do it in order to find out what lies, propaganda, and other manipulation is currently being rained on the American people.

Funny: OMG, don’t tell the truth on TV. If you tell the truth you give credence to the truth! We must never do that on the corporate mass media!

Funny, too: We get lied into war over and over again (Golf of T…, WMDs, gas attacks), and when this experience makes people skeptical, they are “conspiracy theorists”. Even when governments eventually admit their lies, and someone reminds us of this, he instantly becomes a “conspiracy theorist”. How many folks still by this? Good grief!


What a joke our TV news shows have become:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: »CNN Reporter Sniffs “Poison” On Air«)


Privileged MSM stooges:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Chris Hayes’ Journalistic Malpractice Over DNC Wikileaks Lawsuit”)

Jimmy Dore was mocking our oligarchs and their minions for their “who cares about jobs attitude”. My extension: Indeed! Who cares about jobs? We, the privileged, have bountiful and secure jobs, or we are so rich we don’t need jobs, having the unwashed masses toil for us. Hahahawwww…


VI. System Challengers

One of Bernies biggest gifts for America: we can now run for office without selling out to Big Money:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Screw Blue Wave- Stand For Something! Says Iowa Progressive”)

Great statement from this Berniecrat candidate for 2018: “Nobody that walks out to work every day should ever have to [worry] that if something happens to them – whether they get injured on the job or whether they get sick – that they will lose everything that they have built for their family.” Spot on!

Another good comment on our failing system: ”… how the richest country in the history of the world is actually sliding backwards…”

Also, Jimmy Dore speaking satirically about plans to raise the retirement age: “everybody wants a 70-year-old fireman”

Pete D’Alessandro: “people work as hard as they can and not make any gains” – My life exactly!

Comment: I think that Social Security for All (financed as a citizen dividend that puts a stop to piling all our economy’s unearned income on the billionaires and instead spreads it around like the Alaska Permanent Fund does), possibly even more so if mixed with a earned-shared assets approach that would allow the creation of residual income for workers, could completely change our system to where questions like retirement age would become a personal decision instead of a government imposed same-size-fits-all thing. Let us retire from the rat race when we are ready, not when some lawmaker decides.


Ending Note: It takes me at least 100 hours a month to research and write news updates and analyses and work on my book. Please widely share links to these articles, so this work is not for naught. You can also help in other ways (including much needed financial support). Only together can we change this messed-up world. Let’s do it! 🙂

Video Weekend 11-04-2017 (7 + 1 Videos)

This weekend’s mix of enlightening videos, starring Jimmy Dore, Chris Hedges, and David Graeber, focuses primarily on two topics: government (despotism vs democracy) and the economy:

Note: Somehow the announcement of this posting failed to go out yesterday. I have therefore just added one very entertaining video at the end here instead of making a new post out of it. It’s big fun! Skip to it if you watched the others yesterday.


I. “Democratic” Party Reform not Working (Jimmy Dore):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Tulsi Gabbard Rips The DNC – Demands Change”)

Maybe Tulsi should dress in her uniform when she gives speeches. (and also stop being so polite)


II. The hill of the shining beacon has caved in (Jimmy Dore):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “CIA Whistleblower Reveals CIA Still Torturing – Here’s How“)


III. The Silencing of Truth, Justice, and The People (Chris Hedges):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “On Contact: The Silencing of the Left with Robert Scheer”)

The thing to realize for a lot of folks who have been raised to hate the “left” and self-identify as the “right” is that when you are against billionaire money in politics and for the needs and wishes of the people, you are actually “left” by the standard definition. The establishment has played a trick on you reversing the definitions of political labels, turning them on their heads, so that we, the people, fight each other over self identification, hating the other group for being our opposite when, for the most part, they are actually the same. So, if we can’t agree on the meanings of these labels, let’s drop them – they are only words, after all – and unite around the actual issues on which most of us agree, like a fair economy and functioning democracy where we all can have a good living and a voice in our public affairs.

Quote: “Everybody out there has a story of abuse.” So… maybe we should all become more willing to accept the grievances of others and commit to help one another?


IV. Ideal vs real vs underestimated economic inequality (in case I haven’t shared this before):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “The collapse of the american dream – This will scare you”)


V. Money is not our limit (David Graeber):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “David Graeber: debt and what the government doesn’t want you to know | Comment is Free”)


VI. When the rich make the tax rules to their benefit, it creates gross inequality:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Were Not Broke – The Corporate Tax Cheats of America”)


VII. A final word of reason — Voter’s Leverage — This is how democracy works:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Democratic Civil War! A Struggle We Must Win“)



Jimmy Dore at his finest as a comedian, giving us an ironic parody of disgusting MSM behavior:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Thank You, Hillary! Our Response To The Tonight Show’s Hillary Love Fest”)


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Yes Men DNC Stunt and Tips for a Party Takeover

Here is an interesting conversation about the Yes Men’s funny DNC stunt and tips for a party takeover:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Interview With The Yes Men Following Their DNC Prank”)

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Remembering the November Election with Lewis Black

I dug this up. It’s still funny (and fitting):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Lewis Black on Donald Trump and Election”)

… except for him dismissing Hillary’s criminal acts (example her arms deals and regime change acts). Maybe he’s getting old. Not sure. I haven’t watched him in years since The Daily Show lost traction.


George Carlin Said It ALL In 3 Minutes!

Some quotes and videos are well worth revisiting from time to time. Here is one of them:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “George Carlin Said It ALL In 3 Minutes!”)



Unbelievable: Neoliberal Sell-Outs Painting Themselves as Grassroots

I found you some nice weekend videos again. First watch this:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Wasserman Schultz to Sanders ‘We Are Already A Grassroots Party’ – 3/29/17”)

Continue reading “Unbelievable: Neoliberal Sell-Outs Painting Themselves as Grassroots”

Three Wishes for Trump

New Mr. President, can we have three wishes? How about investigating 911 and all living former presidents for crimes of corruption (including the Clinton Foundation)? How about putting powerful controls on the CIA without getting yourself assassinated? How about investigating and fighting all forms of election rigging and theft in the U.S. (including the gerrymandering and the “Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck” program which helped you become president, plus the theft of the primaries from Bernie Sanders)? Are these still only three wishes, or did I go over the maximum already? Continue reading “Three Wishes for Trump”