Truthful News Weekend 2022-11-26 (9 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: Major contents: important government changes we can make outside of political parties (successes already happening). In addition culture and capitalism issues.

Stars and channels: The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (with Sarah Anderson), The Real News Network (Chris Hedges and Ralph Nader), CCCSpringfield, Democracy at Work (Richard Wolff), Second Thought


  1. Grassroots’ Ballot Initiatives, Love Your Neighbors, ***
  2. Active Citizenry Needed ***
  3. Authoritarian Family Culture *
  4. Capitalism Religion in our Economics
  5. Economic Update
  6. Inflation & Deflation = Parts of the Constant Capitalist Instability *
  7. GOP’s War against Social Security *
  8. Crypto Madness
  9. False Opinions Spread by Bribes from the Rich *
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Force The Vote TOWN HALL (for proper American Healthcare, esp. M4A)

Today (8:30 pm EST) there will be an online Force The Vote “town hall” you may be able to participate in. Sign Up here:

Some folk’s doubts and hesitations, and why forcing the vote is really best:

I. Doubted Victory
Some people think that forcing a House of Representatives vote on Medicare or All is unimportant when we can expect the many congressional corrupticians to vote it down. I’ll try to explain why it is important: It’s our historic experience of making positive changes. All changes for better took a series of battles (incl. a number of votings). Desirable changes can’t happen when the series of battles never gets started. Yes, the first M4A floor vote is likely to be voted down by the corrupticians in Congress, no matter when it will be held (just like previous good changes were). But, by doing so, the corrupticians will expose themselves and in the next election battle be kicked out (or even sooner). This is like things always went in the past, and they will continue to go that way. It’s just how politics works. With tens of thousands of us dying each year from healthcare denial and hundreds of thousands going bankrupt from astronomic healthcare bills even without a pandemic, it’s high time we finally get this series of battles started. And there is no better time than during a pandemic.

II. Voting Pelosi out of Office Instead
Yes, Pelosi is one of the top corrupticians. Finally reducing her corrupt power would be good. But thinking that at the current time she could be replaced with a significantly better politician when our Congress is still almost completely filled with mafiosi types is simply not realistic. She could even be replaced with an even worse corruptician, and if by miracle she were replaced with a less corrupt one, there still would be no significant changes as long as the status quo remains maintained. We must battle for the changes we need, not merely switch faces. (getting Obama and Trump into office should have made this clear for all of us by now; please wake up if you haven’t yet)

And don’t forget to sign the #ForceTheVote petition or even make the time to push your Congress members.

Here is Jimmy Dore’s town hall announcement:

Announcement: Force The Vote TOWN HALL! #MyStory #ForceTheVote ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Dec 28, 2020)

Yes, forcing a vote is one of the weapons for change. Did you hear about the Bolivian people forcing an election in which they then voted the fascist state coup regime out of office a few months ago? After the governmental mistreatment during the pandemic it is high time we Americans finally stand up and show the universe our hearts and fists, as well. Let’s unite and have OUR money (yes, the government money is OUR money) spent on US, not robber barons any more. Let’s spend the necessary portion of it on our health not on soul-less insurance owner profits.

Best wishes. Power, justice, health, and worthwhile lives for the People!

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-09-27 (17 videos)

If you lack time to discover many top level meaningful videos about major events, problems, and solutions, here is a weekly share for you to check and share onward. Major issues this time: the need for and development of a people’s party and dealing with the housing crisis, now and in the future.

Stars & channels: TheMiddleBlitz, The Intercept, Jimmy Dore, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Secular Talk , Movement for a People’s Party, BuzzFeedVideo, Living Big In A Tiny House, Bushradical, The Outsider, Jack of All Master of None, Kristina Smallhorn, MINDS EYE DESIGN

12 Topics:

  1. Edward Snowden talking to Joe Rogan about Julian Assange
  2. Joe Rogan vs Propagandist Mass Media of the Oligarchy
  3. Trump’s Judges Approved by the Oh-So-Opposite “Democrats”
  4. Selfish Oligarchy: MSNBC Host Complains that Park Avenue LIVES MATTER!
  5. A little Joe Biden Review
  6. Trying to Justify Anti-Democratic Actions of the D Party with a GOP Smear
  7. Non-Persecuted Voter Suppression & Family Farms Killed by Capitalist Oligarchs
  8. Uniting Left & Right with Fake (Trick by both Hitler and Trump)
  9. Economic Update: Degrading U.S., Financial Capital Cheats, & How to Change
  10. UBI in the View of the Pandemic
  11. MPP: Forget About the General Election, Do Vote, But then People’s Movement
  12. Alternative Affordable Housing, Part 2
Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂
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Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-09-06 (19 videos)

(incl. the People’s Convention)

If you lack time to discover many top level meaningful videos about major events, problems, and solutions, here is a weekly share for you to check and share onward. Major one: the People’s Convention! (but many other insightful ones, as well)

Stars & channels: Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Chris Hedges, Ron Placone, Niko House, Scott Santens, Jesse Ventura, Jimmy Dore, Tim Black, Medea Benjamin (from Code Pink), Nick Brana, Marianne Williamson, Cornell West, and Nina Turner (and more) during the People’s Convention; plus Shadow Check with Steve Scott, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Jesse Ventura, The Jimmy Dore Show, The Real News Network, John Pilger, Yanis Varoufakis, Richard Wolff talking with Chris Hedges (Democracy At Work), Harriet Fraad, Movement for a People’s Party, …


  1. The People’s Convention
  2. Whatever Happened To The Idea Of The Common Good?
  3. A Different Way to Handle COVID-19
  4. Jesse Ventura on Corruption, Globalism, Present, Future & Nuclear Power
  5. The Purpose of Fascism
  6. Economics: Gold Investment Only Good For Experts
  7. Jimmy Dore Slamming the DNC
  8. Social-Media & Google Protected Ruling Class
  9. Worker-Based (Democratized) Economic System
  10. The Oh-So Deserving Rich Funded by Our Taxes
  11. Problematic Policing (set up to enforce inequality rather than protect people)
  12. Trump Openly Planning Election Invalidity
  13. Some Insights from Britain on Neoliberal Oligarchy (of Psychopaths)
  14. Angrynomics (Mark Blyth addressing the corruption and world-wide fury)
  15. The Julian Assange SHAM Trial and Corrupt R&D-Party Alliance
  16. Financial Capitalism’s Monopolized Oligarchy’s Shackles on Life
  17. Economic Update: Predatory Global Capitalism and America Getting Raided
  18. Mindset: Why do 38% of Americans support Donald Trump? (Part 2)
  19. This Week’s People Party’s National Call (building more hubs)

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂

1. The People’s Convention

Rise up America against the global oligarchy, against today’s utterly cruel King George served gleefully by both the Republican and “Democratic” Party!

The Peoples Convention 2020 ~ Movement for a People’s Party (Aug 30, 2020)

Presented Albert Einstein quote: The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on and do nothing. (I would add “about it” because of authoritarian slave-minds who think that engaging in politics is “doing nothing” a.k.a. wasting your time. They totally overlook that cases of the government serving its people were ALWAYS achieved through politics pushed by the people. Without that there would be no Social Security, no Unemployment Insurance, and many more often critically needful things. If one refrains from participating in pushing for such things, one does indeed become an accomplice of the evil that ruins so many of our lives.) — Actually, according to, Einstein really said: “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” (I always considered him intelligent. So, that fits.)

I especially loved the speech by Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap and right after that Chris Hedges’ speech (and then Lauren Ashcraft!

Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-09-06 (19 videos)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-08-29 (19 videos)

If you lack time to discover many top level meaningful videos covering critical events, problems, and solutions, here is a weekly share for you to check and share onward. Earlier this weekend so as not to conflict with the People’s Convention tomorrow!

Stars and channels: Democracy At Work, Graham Elwood, The Jimmy Dore Show , Jean Guerrero & Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!), The Convo Couch, DiEM25, The Hill, The Real News Network, he Rational National, The Humanist Report, Jon Norwood, Amanpour and Company, etc. and the Movement for a People’s Party


  1. Sharp Progressive Conversation about the “Democratic” Party
  2. News: Mail-In Votes, Voter Roll Purges, …
  3. Economic Update: China: Capitalist, Socialist, Communist or What?
  4. Another Insightful Progressive Conversation
  5. Could The ‘Draft Jesse Ventura’ Campaign Actually Succeed?
  6. Coronavirus News: Imperfect but Possibly Sufficient Immunity
  7. Perfect Points Made by Ice Cube
  8. Our Elections are a Casino Stock Market on Wall Street
  9. Psychological Warfare
  10. Sharp Smart Critique of the DNC & Bernie
  11. Yanis Varoufakis: Capitalism & Crisis (and how to socialize the capital)
  12. News: Rising Unemployment, Billionaire Wealth Doubled, Guillotine for Jeff Bezos
  13. News: Police & Vigilantes Slaughtering Americans
  14. What Many Police Forces are About (Oppressing America)
  15. News: NBA Players Strike Over Injustice, Others Too
  16. Repeat of the 2016 Presidential Election (Bad Biden Doing Even Worse than $Shillary)
  17. Humor and Truth: John Cleese on Extremism
  18. Reconsidering America
  19. Latest People’s Party National Call

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂

Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-08-29 (19 videos)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-08-23 (14 videos)

Again, if you are too short on time to discover many top level meaningful videos covering critical events, problems, and solutions, here is a weekly share for you to check out and share onward. Major issues: the nature of capitalism, the massive governmental and political parties corruption, and the blooming of the People’s Party.

Stars & Channels: Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Jesse Ventura (The World According to Jesse), Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight), Jimmy Dore and Stef Zamorano (The Jimmy Dore Show), Spring Hill College, The School of Life, Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!), The Rational National, The Young Turks, redfish, and Movement for a People’s Party 🙂

Also: a neat Chris Hedges quote and link.


  1. Not Only Colored People Have Been Trashed in Our History
  2. History Of Ideas: Capitalism Financing Economic Growth but Exploiting and Destroying
  3. History Of Ideas: Consumerism’s Part of Play in Prosperity and Decadence
  4. Fake News from the State
  5. Capitalism = Opression like Feudalism & Slavery (rather than a free market)
  6. Things You’re Not Told About the Postal Service
  7. News from this Week
  8. War Hawks Endorse Biden At DNC Convention!
  9. Biden Making Sure to Loose (and denying Medicare-For-All during our pandemic!)
  10. DNC Snubbing its Base (example: snubbing AOC)
  11. Jesse Ventura on Government Corruption
  12. TYT on Government Corruption (esp. the Congress Vacation)
  13. COVID: Vietnam’s Success (despite being a 3rd World Nation and on the border of China)
  14. People’s Party Shooting Out of the Ground (MPP National Call)


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1. Not Only Colored People Have Been Trashed in Our History

35th Portier Lecture: “White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in America” ~ Spring Hill College (Oct 30, 2015)

Comments made on Youtube:

  • “Well she definitely proved who the real enemy is and it isn’t the regular average everyday person. We just want to live in peace prosperity. The enemy is dividing us up over lies!”
  • “Exactly what I’ve been stating for decades – racism is promoted by the elite. Truth is: It’s the rich against poor, not color against color.”

Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-08-23 (14 videos)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-07-26 (22 videos)

22 top videos: Again, if you are too short on time to discover many top level meaningful videos covering critical events, problems, and solutions, here is a weekly share. (main issues: our crumbling American society under an increasingly brutal oligarchy and current fight-back efforts from the bottom):

Stars & channels: Jesse Ventura & Brigida Santos, Jimmy Dore, Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, acTVism Munich, Second Thought, Glenn Greenwald (The Intercept), The Intercept, Kyle Kulinski (Secular Talk), Richard Medhurst, The Humanist Report, Nick Brana (Movement for a People’s Party),…

15 Topics:

  1. New Nuclear Arms Race and Earth-Destructive Tests
  2. Jesse Ventura on American Corruption
  3. Inequality from Robbery: The Public Forced to Fund the Rich
  4. America’s Looming Eviction Crisis
  5. America’s For-Profit Healthcare (Worst Healthcare in the Developed World)
  6. A Worthwhile Debate to Have
  7. No American Democracy
  8. The US-Supported Coup in Bolivia: Revealing and Tragic
  9. Endless War on America and the Globe
  10. Death: Michael Brooks Gone and Youngish Men Beginning to Comprehend Mortality
  11. Medhurst: Stop Idolizing Politicians, Stop Healthcare Profiteering, Crappy Crisis Management…
  12. Spawning U.S. Dictatorship (Federal Citizen Abduction)
  13. Humor & Insight: Spot-On Conversation on Our America
  14. Need to Defend the American Rights and Principles
  15. People’s Movement & People’s Party

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so the efforts I make can serve enough people.
Thanks. 🙂

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Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-07-05 (11 videos)

For the Independence Weekend a look back at what got us into our ruined or threatened lives. Plus new stuff from this week (esp. about how to fight for change).

Stars & channels: Remember This, CrashCourse, Gregory Thomas Jeffers, Upworthy, Gar Alperovitz (Democracy Collaborative), IWW Labor Organizer, Lisa Fithian, Jimmy Dore, Ralph Nader, and more…


I. Independence Weekend: A Look Back

    1. The Dead Middle Class (explained by Lewis Black)
    2. American Revolution: Process, Not Single Event
    3. American Revolution: Police a Standing Army against Liberty
    4. Economic Democracy
    5. Stabilizing Economy from the Bottom

II. Enough is Enough: This Week’s News & Discussions

  1. Ralph Nader & Jimmy Dore Conversation about making Change
  2. IWW: Modern Labor Movement
  3. People Power: Mutual Aid Networks etc.
  4. Ralph Nader Radio Hour: Getting Back Democracy & Getting Medicare for All
  5. MPP National Call 7-2-2020
  6. MPP July 11th Official Trailer “Join the Actions”

Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-07-05 (11 videos)”

2020 Thoughts on 4th of July

ideas to share with friends and family

In recent years I made a point each 4th of July reminding ourselves of the famous 18th century American Revolution and its famous goals of life, liberty, justice, and happiness for all. I increasingly argued for a second American Revolution, a peaceful political one, back when getting vital things like Medicare for All seemed just around the corner with Bernie Sanders’ wildly popular campaign. And from new presidential candidates – like Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard – additional ideas were put on the table, like a UBI (not a governmental allowance if properly done but rather a fair share of the dividends of the economy we all participate in and all of us rather than a tiny mafia-like money aristocracy should own) and an end of American wars on the world, and so on…

There were reasons for hope. But this year, they were smashed again by the corrupt major parties and their corrupt allies in the mass media and law enforcement. The falsely titled “Democratic” Party, once again – like in 2016 – cheated Bernie Sanders out of the race, and he gave up way too early and easily (for whatever reason). Hopelessness spread, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic in which our country is one of the top nations of maximum infections and deaths due to our profit-driven Wild West of Healthcare and an utterly corrupted government that – instead of dealing handily with the pandemic – used it as a an excuse to claw the small rest of national wealth from the people and hand it to the globalist billionaire vampire class who have been sucking us dry for decades and were now given and lent trillions of dollars made out of thin air which you and I (working people) will soon be taxed to make more solid than air, and which the rich criminals at the top will use to buy up our remaining homes and family businesses and small stores as we are bankrupted and driven ever deeper into poverty by this rich-and-government collusion. They will basically buy up the remaining small floor we stand upon with the money stolen from us.

So, we are getting robbed from both sides: the rich and their corporations and the government corrupted by them. And as far as voting goes, we are handed (AGAIN!) nothing but corrupt candidates from the “left” and right arm of major parties. It all comes down to one conclusion: We can no longer expect to fix our tormented country through intelligent voting. Everything has been rigged against us. The labor market, the rest of the economy, education, healthcare, media, and politics. We are modern slaves chained with top-controlled money, silenced, disenfranchised, and thrust into precarious lives not worth living. And our democracy is fake. Therefore the ultimate conclusion is: Our founders’ revolution never quite finished. They set up amendment-making of the constitution, fully aware that their revolution wasn’t finished. But gangsters at the top overcame the people at the bottom rigging everything against us, and there now is one thing left to do: complete the revolution that was never finished.


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Ending Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to free updates and to share widely critical stuff you encounter here and elsewhere. Also, please lend support if you can. Together we are the change we have been waiting for.


Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-06-28 (13 videos)

Meaningful videos of this week concerning our current corrupt system, careless government, freedom of speech, and active path to a better future.

Stars & channels: Annalise Benson and Nick Brana (Movement for a People’s Party), Richard Wolff and Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25 TV, Democracy At Work), Eleanor Goldfield, Ralph Nader, The Hill, The Nation, Mark Blyth, Matt Goodwin, The Real News Network, Jimmy Dore, Graham Elwood, Lee Camp and more…


  1. People’s Party: Corporations vs People, Tax Money Schemes, Actions to Take
  2. Richard Wolff & Yanis Varoufakis Conversation
  3. Peaceful Protests & Ways to Turn the Tables on Harassment from Agencies and Corporations
  4. Meaningful News
  5. The Meaning of Freedom of Speech (and new bogus charges against Assange)
  6. Racism from the Oligarchy’s Divide and Conquer
  7. Economic Update: Pandemic-Failing U.S. System, Bought Government, & Propaganda vs Radical Workers Traditions
  8. Mark Blyth on Economic Injustice
  9. Police Are Arresting People Over Facebook Posts
  10. COVID and Masks
  11. The Globalist Oligarchy Robbing us While we Crumble & Starve
  12. System Terrorism

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