Democracy Must be Learned

The probably biggest reason why we have no democracy in America, but merely the undermined and bought-up trappings thereof, is that most of us are complete amateurs in the area of the people’s rule and therefore do everything wrong. Read on!

Back when our founders created a democracy in our freshly born nation, they also declared that our country would need an informed citizenry if it were to keep its democracy.


An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people. ~ Thomas Jefferson


Continue reading “Democracy Must be Learned”

Xenophobic News: The United States of Aliens


Oh, my! We’re the United States of Aliens! We’re a Halloween Nation! Our monsters don’t all speak English at home! Write your last will! The end is near!

Xenophobic Americans — you know, Trump supporters convinced that poor immigrants rather than the establishment are responsible for our rigged system — are circulating news like this to reinforce their xenophobia.  Continue reading “Xenophobic News: The United States of Aliens”

News, Infos, & Petition – 08-09-2017 (NAFTA, College Costs, Police State Terror)

Three brief reports and a petition on NAFTA, College Costs, and Police State Terror.  Continue reading “News, Infos, & Petition – 08-09-2017 (NAFTA, College Costs, Police State Terror)”

Hurricanes, Climate Change Denial, and a little Remedy

So, our country was hit by yet another hundred-year hurricane, the third in just twelve years, and – yet – when the rare beast of an honest reporter mentioned climate change in connection, he was quickly cut off by the corporate controllers on his TV network. (watch the clip below if you haven’t seen it, yet)

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “MSNBC Cuts Off Reporter Telling Truth About Floods & Oil”)

Watching this, it occurred to me, that in our world, and my own life, there exist grave problems and a little solution which are interconnected:  Continue reading “Hurricanes, Climate Change Denial, and a little Remedy”

Quickypinion on Free College

Free College is one of the topics Bernie brought on the table of public discourse in his 2016 campaign. I think, every first world nation besides us probably has it. At least it must be the vast majority. After all, as a functioning civil society, you want people to pursue higher studies based on ability and passion, not based on family wealth. And remember: we had something quite similar a generation or two ago with vastly less costly tuition fees and the G.I. Bill. And how did our nation soar back then! We even became the only nation (so far) to send men to the moon. Probably, China will soon second us while we still wrestle with, or squirm underneath, our oligarchs.

Continue reading “Quickypinion on Free College”

Video Weekend 6/10/2017: Bernie on Fire, Hillarite Myths Debunked, Anti-Science Policies, Slavery = Freedom of the Masters, Tulsi Stepping Up, Mass RepExit of Millennials…

For your weekend enjoyment:

The Humanist Report gives a good treatment of Bernie’s New Budget Criticism (13 min):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie Sanders Goes H.A.M. on Trump’s Budget Director”)


Jordan Chariton debunks some Hillarite myths (the idea: force Dem apparatchiks to face reality and do honest politics) (10 min):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Hillary Slams DNC After They Rigged Primary For Her!”)


Anti-Science Schooling and Taking My Slaves Away = Taking Away My Freedom (7 min):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Kids Will Now Take “Anti-Science” Classes”)


Tulsi has balls (pun possibly intended) (17 min):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Tulsi Gabbard Refuses Bribes & An Acknowledgement of Sanders’ Influence”)


Millennials are FLEEING The Republican Party In Droves (12 min):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Millennials are FLEEING The Republican Party In Droves”)


Bernie Sanders VS John Kasich (R)! (5/17/17) FULL DEBATE… Both almost agreeing on people deserving to be treated as people rather than commodities or obstacles as the neoliberals and neocons tend to do (55 min):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie Sanders VS John Kasich! (5/17/17) FULL DEBATE”)

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Why Democracy Requires an Educated Citizenry

Thomas Jefferson famously said, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” In this he echoed the bad experiences the ancient Athenians had made with their democratic experiment. Here is a brief video summarizing Socrates’ thoughts on democracy:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Why Socrates Hated Democracy”)

Continue reading “Why Democracy Requires an Educated Citizenry”

Betsy DeVos — The Uneducation Secretary Pick Even Republicans Recoil From

Meet Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of education: Betsy DeVos

Qualifications: billionaire heiress, no experience with K-12 education, no experience with college financial aid or student loans. Christian fundamentalist. Long time busy trying to undermine public education through questionable school voucher programs.

As someone said, it’s like asking an Amish person to head NASA. Continue reading “Betsy DeVos — The Uneducation Secretary Pick Even Republicans Recoil From”

How do we change school when… Oh them teachers!

I just saw something odd on Twitter (no surprise there, right?), namely the question: How do we change school when lots of people are concerned with protecting their little corner of school?

I suspect that a lot of people (I mean a LOT of people) wisely nod their heads hearing or reading this assumption loaded question, the assumption of course being the one drummed into the public’s mass mind by our media, namely that teachers obstruct change for the better and are the cause for all that’s wrong with our schools.

The question is so upside down, it made my brain flip inside my head.
Continue reading “How do we change school when… Oh them teachers!”