Illegal Aliens! Heeeeeeeelp!


Certain low wage workers nowadays are labeled illegal and non-human. They are referred to as “illegal aliens”. A label based on them working north of our southern border as opposed to south of it, even though the same business owners either employ them south of it or north of it with the exact same result: that they get the work that makes them richer done by people desperate enough to work for starvation wages under terrible working conditions.

This creates a justified worry among American-born working people that the jobs they need are taken away or hurtfully reduced in wages and benefits, destroying their American Dream. However, the flip in responsibility is brainwashed into their minds by claiming these even more desperate fellow workers from the south TAKE their jobs away, rather than that the business owners (and/or their CEOs) GIVE them away.

Have you ever been able to TAKE a job that wasn’t offered to you?  Continue reading “Illegal Aliens! Heeeeeeeelp!”

The Hurtful Use of Wrong Words in Journalism and Public Talk

Words are meant to help humans understand each other and their world. Wrong words can lead to the opposite. Using think-tank-made vocabulary designed to warp reality therefore plays into the hands of the establishment. For example, calling neoliberals a.k.a. corporatists a.k.a. fake-left-rightwingers “centrists” gives them a fake endorsement by being presented as a people’s majority and allegedly being more reasonable than anyone else by being supposedly distant form extremists.

Yet, nothing could be further from the truth when we are talking about a greedy, self-serving minority in cahoots with the robber billionaires who steal the world’s entire wealth from the rest of us and push us into submission. It’s a group of fraudsters hardly different from the neocons that warped the “R” party some time before the neoliberals then warped the “D” party. This party takeover has created the “good cop/bad cop” routine with which American voters have been befuddled in every election ever since. None of these crooks should be painted as “centrists” or allowed by us to present themselves that way.

The same problem can come from one’s own vocabulary mistakes, like when one compares Trump to Obama and describes Obama as nice and Trump as not nice Continue reading “The Hurtful Use of Wrong Words in Journalism and Public Talk”

Political Awakening Video Weekend 08-26-2018 (11 videos)

Once again a lively and very informative mix of videos to grow our political awakening, awareness, and ideas. Stars: Ralph Nader, Mike Figueredo, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Jimmy Dore, Richard Wolff, Chris Hedges, Nomi Prins, Ana Kasparian, The Rational National, Emma Vigeland, and our future president Nick Braña (in order of appearance). Topics:

  1. System Analysis
  2. How to Pay for a Good Country
  3. Systemic Inequality through Exploitation
  4. Our D-R Ping-Pong-Politics
  5. The Banksters’ World
  6. Fascist-Style Opinion Suppression (in the U.S.!)
  7. Our Culture’s Distorted Mentality
  8. Exiling Dissident Americans
  9. Federal Jobs Guarantee Explained
  10. People’s Party

Sorry for being late (Sunday). I mentioned my forced lack of time in my Friday post titled “We Need a Considerate Compassionate Culture”.   Continue reading “Political Awakening Video Weekend 08-26-2018 (11 videos)”

Are Democratic Socialists and Social Democrats the Same?

Lately we hear a lot of Democratic Socialists, and people wonder what the term means. Well, there are two major interpretations.   Continue reading “Are Democratic Socialists and Social Democrats the Same?”

QuickyPiece: Kings Don’t Like to be Taxed

Kings don’t like to be taxed. So, the newly formed kings (robber barons, billionaires) decided to declare all those with a leg up on the economic ladder to also be kings of sorts. Lesser kings, but still kings. Kings to hate taxes. Well-off winners of the market society’s lottery who hated the idea of paying for welfare given to the needy blamed as lazy. Those royally deluded dupes in the GOP, and later also the “Democratic” Party, promptly worked to lower and abolish taxes for the new kings, hoping to lower them for themselves as well, while getting secretly screwed with increased housing costs, insurance fees, road tolls, FICA taxes, college fees, and so forth.   Continue reading “QuickyPiece: Kings Don’t Like to be Taxed”

QuickyPinion: What the Term Liberty Means in Neoliberalism and Libertarianism

It means that only those at the top should be free. Absolutely free, at that — allowed to do anything they wish regardless of the consequences for others. That it is the Ayn Rand “philosophy” (if you want to call sociopathy a philosophy) which has been repackaged and resold within these two labels (sort of like Pepsi and Coke).

Even though people of these convictions purport to be paragons of liberty, they actually undermine the American ideal of liberty and justice for all. One has to always ask them: freedom for whom? Hannibal Lecter and the billionaires?

P.S.: Here on Beanstock’s World you can always improve your vocabulary with which to talk about the corrupticians and their corporate masters.

BTW, if yesterday’s 4th of July post was not enough, The Revolution Continues posted some moving texts and themes for our “Independence” Day and also raised the idea of Bastille Day. Highly recommendable. 😉 


Ending Note: To get the word out, please widely share links to these articles. You can also help in other ways (including much needed financial support). Only together can we change this messed-up world