Political Awakening Video Weekend 2019-06-02 (19 videos)

Another weekend compilation of special videos and commentary for political and economic awakening that popped up this week. Definitely no focus on party or identity politics. Rather insights in the rigged system we struggle in and why or how we must stand up against it pushing for a good one instead. Stars: Bernie, AOC, Chris Hedges, Richard Wolff, Graham Elwood, Kim Iversen, Jimmy Dore, Lee Camp, Naomi Karavani, Thom Hartmann, Stef Zamorano, Greg Palast, Jesse Ventura, Howie Hawkins, and more.


  1. War & Profit: The Wreckage of our Billionaire’s War Profiteering
  2. Brainwash: The Anti-Left “Cultural Marxism” Scaremongering
  3. Docu (Realism): “»Free«” Trade vs Protectionism
  4. Party Loyalty Mental Gymnastics
  5. Bernie on Meet the Press
  6. The Bernie-Assange Tumble
  7. Docu: Capitalism – The Winner Take All Society
  8. Docu: Giving up the Middle Class
  9. Docu (2016): Even Two-Income “MC” Families Struggle
  10. Economic Health from Public Spending
  11. Jesse Ventura agrees with me: Stop Voting R&D
  12. Trump Derangement Syndrome
  13. Free or Cheap Service When we Already Have Massive Un-&-Underemployment
  14. Many Ways of Voter Suppression
  15. Green Candidate & Discussion Beyond Weak Reform
  16. Corporate Tax Games (Amazon et al)
  17. AOC Exposes Our Domestic Terrorism
  18. U.S. Economy: Not Just the Young & Middle-Aged Get Screwed
  19. Redacted Tonight (incl. Humor): Elections, 1st Amendment, Arms Deals, Surveillance…

Continue reading “Political Awakening Video Weekend 2019-06-02 (19 videos)”

Political Awakening Video Weekend 09-15-2018 (17 videos)

Economic rigging, rigged elections, corrupt politics and business… So much more elucidating stuff to watch this weekend than big boys chasing balls. –- Stars: Chris Hedges, David Cay Johnson, Anya Parampil, Alissa Quart, Mike Papantonio (America’s Lawyer), Farron Cousins, Thom Hartmann, The Rational National, Naomi Karavani, Jimmy Dore, Jamarl Thomas, Greg Palast, Lisa Graves, Jim Carrey (yes, you read right!), Tulsi Gabbard (!), and others.


  1. The Choice between Hell or Heaven on Earth
  2. The Global Oligarchy (Thom Hartmann)
  3. The Corrupt Corporate State & Fascism
  4. Another Toy For The Rich
  5. Middle Class Struggles
  6. Corporate Corruption
  7. Election Rigging
  8. Healthcare
  9. Rogue Nation U.S.A.
  10. Digital Book Burning
  11. Blood-Sucking Capitalism (Not Just Bezos)
  12. Tulsi Gabbard


Continue reading “Political Awakening Video Weekend 09-15-2018 (17 videos)”

Video Weekend 06-09-2018 (14 videos)


Here, again, is an online video compilation for the weekend to save you from having to waste your little bit of spare time on watching adults chasing balls or accepting the intravenous drip from the propagandist establishment media. It sports a great podium discussion on moving forward from our mess, as well as news and analyses of the mess: for example on how we are getting exploited and betrayed to the extreme, the American poverty nightmare, the issue of people’s lacking awareness and moral standing allowing this mess (and animals showing us the finger), the continued raid on our healthcare, U.S.-conducted world terrorism, a deep system analysis, and a reminder that the universe is lurking in ambush while we fight among each other.


I. Moving Forward

Brilliant Podium Discussion
(from which the title pic above was taken)

A very important point is the abolition of scarcity. In his marvelous speech (starting ~40 min in), Nick Braña points out that, in the past, humans were pitted against each other over limited resources, but modern technology has abolished these outside limits. Soaring inequality is now artificially created by our outdated thuggish system (as I have written before).

Something else that for me lifts Nick Braña to the very top of today’s political activists is his deep understanding of “technology and the pace of modern change” which he addresses in his speech. I have marveled all my life how my fellow humans could be so blind to things like our rapid perfection of surveillance and public mind controlling technologies, automation, and the tension between aging and genetic engineering and gene therapy about to turn our oligarchs into veritable physical gods and condemn the rest of us into permanently huddled masses of the utterly hopeless never again able to revolt against cruelty… Well, he only hints at some of this, but then who is really ready to hear the full scope, yet?

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Left Forum 2018 Session 1 – Independent Power: Towards a Party for Working People“)


  • And, as Nick also points out, the DP is teetering giving this generation of Americans an opportunity to unite for a major new party for working people.
  • Tim Canova’s speech (following Nick’s) is also great. And he is right in that, by his running independent this year, independent voters, always blocked from (rigged!) “Democratic” primaries are empowered to throw in their weight. They don’t have to ponder whether it’s worth to bother with rubber-stamping establishment-picked “R” or “D” candidates. When we vote independent or third party, we are no longer forced to chose between cholera and gonorrhea.
  • Great term: Fusion Politics (ignoring party lines, focusing on working people’s needs and violated rights and a genuine way forward)
  • 1:10:55: Nick brings up the 2nd Bill of Rights, which reminds me to remark that ideas like a UBI are just ways of bringing it to pass.
  • Nick Braña quote: Our economic and political systems will act as threat multipliers and they will determine whether we fall on the abundance side of that potential given to us by our technology or on the self-annihilation side. If we remain in a conflict driven society characterized by soaring inequality, sweeping deprivation, and sectarian intolerance, the risk of catastrophe will be extreme. Applying our potential to create an abundant and harmonious world is not just a moral imperative, it’s a matter of survival for all of us.


II. American Nightmare

Today’s American “Dream”: Rich to the Riches, Rags to the Ditch .

These are Facebook videos… so, no hints on how to find them if they get deleted…


III. Where is our Humanity?

Let’s delve into our psychology and compare with our wild cousins…

The biology of fairness, empathy, sympathy, and lack thereof…:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “The Age of Empathy by Frans de Waal“)

Can we really not measure up to our animal cousins?

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO ABOUT ANIMALS HELPING EACH OTHER!!!!“)

The plutocrats have driven much of our compassion and solidarity out of our human society. It’s time we reassert those principles, don’t you agree? It strikes me as a little odd that we tend to call them human or humanitarian principles, even in an age when we have put them aside and are getting shamed by our animal cousins.

And, clearly, I am not the only one thinking this way:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “”Charity Is The Opiate Of Capitalism” – Nellie McKay”)

The interview continues here (discussing Bernie and 2020, among things).


IV. Economy

“Disruptive” Tech as an additional thumb screw and bloodletting on the people:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “How Tech Giants Feed Off Capitalism’s Failures“)

The Mechanism of Rich-and-Poor:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Scumbag Amazon Swimming In Taxpayer Subsidies, Pays Food Stamp Wages“)

Myth and reality:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Are the Rich White Boomers Taking of Millennial Wealth?“)

And the biggest economic unit, our government, which used to spend on us (FDR’s New Deal), today spends on the billionaires instead (who keep telling us that it can’t afford to spend on us):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Starbucks Billionaire: You Can’t Have Healthcare Or College“)


V. Healthcare

Once again, corrupt politics aims at benefiting the rich (health insurance owners) at the expense (ruin, pain, and death) of non-rich Americans (you and me and our friends and families):

This is, once again, a Facebook-only video, so it has no title which I could use to give clues for searching for it. So, good luck finding a copy if this video gets deleted. (Youtube may be working to skew things on behalf of the establishment, but if one posts videos only on Facebook (which isn’t trustworthy either), then the lack of titles makes deleted or re-pathed videos all the harder to find again, which is why it keeps boggling my mind why certain information sources only or mostly post on Facebook neglecting other ‘tubes’. Also, Facebook video streaming is cumbersome, feature-poor, and buggy on the viewers’ end. Oh, well… Enough of my ranting.)


VI. The Terror Empire

No, it’s not ISIS. It’s the U.Sis:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “~199~ 121 Bombs A Day, Poor People Get Angry, Death Of Local News”)

Also: more on other things like healthcare.


VII. System Analysis

A structural system analysis surely giving a high percentage of listeners a lot to think about if the highly intellectual language presents no barrier. The clip, in so many words, agrees with my regularly made claim that our corrupt politics and lousy lives both derive from our rigged economic system which in turn depends for its continuation on our manipulated mentality that has our perceptions and priorities being all wrong:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Critique: Bernie Sanders “Inequality in America” Town Hall from 3.19.18, by Peter Joseph”)

Comment: Bernie may or may not think this deeply, but – running for office – he naturally has to focus on the things that touch people more unquestioningly (the symptoms) rather than a deep system critique (the causes) which many still struggle to comprehend due to the lifelong system propaganda we have been exposed to (unlike the animals shown earlier).


VIII. The Real World

Why humanity cannot afford a corrupt system:

Nature isn’t friendly. Our primary human defense is sticking together, preparing for disasters, and changing our environment to be more supportive of our lives. When we create and maintain a socio-economic-political system that adds more problems, like our current system does (albeit it also still provides some improvements, e.g. running water and groceries), it’s like we are shooting ourselves in the foot.

As a graphic reminder of nature’s threats, here is footage of people fleeing from a pyroclastic flow belched up by a small volcano in Guatemala last week:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Videos Impactantes Captados Durante La Erupción del Volcán en Guatemala 04/06/2018“)

If the locals were better educated, their government more responsible, and our global society geared towards optimizing human life rather than squeezing and suppressing everybody on behalf of the rich, people might have been evacuated on time or not lived so dangerously close to their active volcano in the first place.

And if you succumb to the idea that we are so much more advanced as a society a thousand miles north here in the U.S., ask yourself did we properly prepare the levees for Hurricane Katrina? Did our government provide proper help after Katrina hit, or did it rather enable corporate raiders to take people’s homes away from them to convert them into money-making investments for the rich? Has our government done anything to help our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico devastated by another big hurricane last year, or is it leaving the door open for disaster capitalism again (a form of vulture capitalism) same as in New Orleans? Is it smart of us to ignore nature’s curses and constantly fight among ourselves because we can’t get our act together and dethrone the pillaging oligarchs and abolish the greed-driven, inhumane, anti-human system they imposed on us generations ago, the system which incentivizes inhumane acts and is ruining our country?


Ending Note: It takes me at least 100 hours of spare time each month to research and write news updates and analyses and work on my book. Please widely share links to these articles, so this work is not for naught. You can also help in other ways (including much needed financial support). Only together can we change this messed-up world. Let’s do it! 🙂


Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses — to be Shot Dead!

You may have heard of the young woman who tried to cross the border and was shot in the head for it. It’s now death penalty for crossing a border without a visa. That’s the America of today. And she is not the first or the last.

What a contrast to the preceding centuries of America’s existence, when immigrants were invited by the millions to cheaply build our canals and rail roads, to work our mines and factories under deplorable conditions, to speed up the growth of our country and our industrial revolution, not to mention the wealth of the infamous robber barons and their growing rigged economy, built to make them rich and the rest of us poor — a system that lasts until today and is getting worse again.   Continue reading “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses — to be Shot Dead!”

Hold the Horses! Let’s Take an Actual Look at Syria!

Remember the corporate media telling us that Saddam had WMDs and we therefore needed to invade Iraq? Remember how that turned out a bald-faced lie? Remember the many maimed and killed U.S. servicemen and women, countless more dead and maimed Iraquis, and the cruel ISIS state that arouse out of the ashes of Iraq? Now the mass media are playing the same game again, but there is so much information out there which you can get for yourself and that debunks the corporate media propaganda. Have a look:

A.) The Douma Gas Attack was Nothing More than a Propaganda Film:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Award Winning Journalist Debunks Douma Gas Attack w/Carla Ortiz”)

Continue reading “Hold the Horses! Let’s Take an Actual Look at Syria!”

Video Weekend 04-21-2018 (11 videos)

I have been very pressed for time, but here is this week’s video weekend. Topics: media corruption, political challengers & fighting back, disaster capitalism, system analysis, economy, and our oligarchy’s unbelievably cruel and insincere foreign policy.

I. Media War

The corruption of our mass media. Ed Schultz reveals he was ordered to media-blackout on Bernie:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “MSNBC Worse Than Sinclair Broadcasting Ed Schultz Reveals”)

So cool when (so rarely) the truth slips out on the establishment media:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bombshell: Professor Stuns MSNBC Panel On Syria“)

A discussion on media corruption with Chris Hedges:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “On Contact: The Destruction of an Independent Press with Mark Crispin Miller“)


II. Candidates

Dylan Ratigan runs for office:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Dylan Ratigan Brings Green New Deal To New York “)

Comment: What this made pop up in my mind: Why wars for oil when renewable energy is waiting for us all at our doorsteps. (wind and solar — other countries have windmills and solar panels everywhere and don’t know where to spend all their energy)


III. Disaster Capitalism

Disaster Capitalism on the march (just like in New Orleans afterr Hurricane Katrina) — screw people on behalf of absentee investors, rob them of everything, with corrupt governments acting as enablers… The Puerto-Rican people are organizing to rebuild their lives, infrastructure, and economy in a healthy way, but disaster capitalists and corrupt politicians are determined to ruin these efforts:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “The Battle for Paradise: Naomi Klein Reports from Puerto Rico “)

Note: Remember that the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an “unincorporated territory” of the United States (a nice way of saying: a colony) whose people are U.S. citizens by law. The low-wealth people of New Orleans who were robbed of their homes to build real estate investments for the rich on their lands are also U.S. citizens… Disasters are used as cover and excuse for speeding up the ruthless raid of the 1% on the 99%. And all the while the crooks in charge deny the climate change which breeds these storms…


IV. System Analysis

System Analysis: Opportunity Hoarding, Dominaton, Exploitation, Mixed Class Identities, Globalisation, and Political Attributions

A bit over-intellectual, but pretty interesting starting at 16:10 min into the video:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “LEFT OUT: Erik Olin Wright on understanding class—a Marxian perspective“)


V. Economy

I thought I shared this one already. But I don’t see it in my archives… so:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Economic Update: Beyond the Political Theater “)

So… why don’t the older workers just become door greeters at Walmart? Are they lazy? They haven’t been able to pay off their student loans or mortgages or can’t afford their medical expenses? As door greeters they surely will be able to. Stop complaining and instead praise our system and keep seeking a new job and take the blame when there are no jobs for you!

What the Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of income and social services over the last 35 years (which concluded that the incomes of the poorest 20% rose nearly 2% per year, the income of most people only 1%, and the income of the richest 1% by 225%) leaves out are some other issues that seriously affect our prosperity (or lack thereof): exploded student loans, home prices, rent prices, and healthcare costs, plus the huge costs arising from childcare and elderly care that in the formerly common single-earner, two-parent households did often not come into play.

Nice intro and further info:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Economic Update: Winds of System Change“)


VI. Fighting Back

Good audio interview (on fighting back from the bottom) :

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Savage Joy was live with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez“)


  • We can beat gravy train candidates by not collecting BIG Money donations to pay consultancy agencies to collect the signatures to get on a ballot but do the leg work ourselves.
  • We can (and should) fight on all fronts simultaneously: inside the “Democratic” Party, from without (running independent or boosting third parties), then eliminate closed primaries, gerrymandering…
  • Let’s not incarcerate tons of non-violent people.


VII. Foreign Policy

Syrian truth: We keep getting lied into wars. Most of the official news we get from Syria are produced by the White Helmets who are allied with the Islamist terror groups and specialize in producing fake news. If nothing else, watch one of their videos being created by them, starting at 14:06 min into this video:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Press For Truth interview with Kevork Almassian“)

Our decades-long terror on the Middle East which has created Islamist terror is bad enough, but not all the imperialistic crimes our horrid establishment commits. You Think You Know Our Foreign Policy? You think our country is a good neighbor in the Americas? Check this Out!

The true face of utter Evil of our oligarchy (example: some 14,000 murdered by Chiquita Banana):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Empire Files: Human Rights Hypocrisy – Colombia vs. Venezuela”)


Ending Note: It takes me at least 100 hours a month to research and write for this site and work on my book. Please widely share links to these articles or help in other ways, so this work is not for naught. Financial support is really helpful, too! Only together can we change this messed-up world. 🙂

Video Weekend 04-07-2018 (8 videos – some long with segment pointers and commentaries)

This weekend compilation shares videos on a variety of subjects mostly dealing with our systemic corruption, its sad consequences, and the narratives and mindsets that support it:


  1. System Analysis
  2. Mindset
  3. Media (and some fun)
  4. Candidates Facing Political Corruption
  5. Economy
  6. Political Conversation


I. System Analysis

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “American Empire: An Act of Collective Madness“)


  • Tariq Ali: “This total, uncritical acceptance of capital and corporate power is not the way the world is going to move forward. An alternative to that is what needs to be mounted. And, on it’s success or failure will depend the future not just of this country but of the planet.”
  • David Korten: “If you look at where we are headed as a nation and as a species, we’re going where nobody in their right mind will want to go. This is a very decisive moment. We have to literally choose our future as a nation and as a species.”
  • Tariq Ali: “Who owns this country? Not its people. It is owned, essentially, as is the case elsewhere in the world, by the rich and the very rich — which George W. Bush, when he was president, put in [these] very memorable words: ‘We are on the side of the haves and the have-mores.’” (perhaps he refers to this event)


II. Mindset

Edifying lords of corruption such as genocide-scale war profiteers who, on the side, also de facto erased our Bill of Rights:

More on the loss of our morals — we celebrate war criminals instead of prosecuting them:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bush Era War Criminals Embraced By Establishment Media“)


Money, The New God

The wrong mindset sets us up for hurt, flipping our priorities and supporting economic inequality and widespread corruption.

This documentary makes some very good points but also has passages I don’t approve of, the kinds that divide people over religion. The good points and the news on a whistleblower who was fired, threatened and jailed for exposing the banksters’ money laundering of criminals and other rich goons are definitely well worth watching. Below the clip, I point to various segments in the video that you can skip to:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Money, happiness and eternal life – Greed (director’s cut) | DW Documentary“)


  1. The real beef starts at 28:07 min into the video.
  2. 42:02: “We became consumed with consumption.”
  3. A question asked by a kid: why do people do wrong, or right, knowingly? My answer: various conditions and motives depending on their living circumstances: greed, narcissism, and status-whoring in the case of the rich and well-to-do; despair, resignation, and the next survival move on the list in case of the rest.
    When you have to struggle to pay this month’s rent, the global climate shifts a notch down on your list of worries. And when you are a rich lord, seeing yourself as a god and living the life of a demon lord stomping on everyone else, your head is in the clouds because you don’t want to look down on the ones you are stepping on (unless you are a cruel psychopath actually enjoying the blood on your feet).
    So, most of us are wearing blinders of some kind, much enabled by our mainstream media and politicians, of course.
  4. 1:18:13: Wisdom and compassion… how to spread it among the young?
  5. 1:20:59: Finally someone other than myself addressing the idea of a mortality and a fulfilled, meaningful life.

Ending words: only by melting the ice in the heart of man, man will have a chance to change and start using his knowledge wisely.


III. Media (and some fun)

A little fun with the media (talking about what really matters rather than just chanting gang slogans):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Kyle Kulinski Of Secular Talk Utterly Baffles Fox News Talking Heads“)


IV. Candidates Facing Political Corruption

When the “Democrats” rig their primaries, running as a Dem is pointless:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Debbie Wasserman Schultz Opponent Tim Canova Dumps Democrats“)


V. Economy

Dirty tricks and mindsets to get and stay rich and shaft the public, gender pay, slave-like over-work, homeless children…:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Socialism Past, Present, and Future“)


VI. Political Conversation

We all need to have political conversations with our fellow Americans to lift our awareness and debunk myths and manipulative narratives and come to fully understand what we need to demand and implement for a better future. These are real conversations about real issues that we must have, not the popularized bleating, barking, and repeating of party slogans and propaganda. If you want a sample, you can be a fly on the wall at this conversation between Jamarl Thomas and Debbie Lusignan (I liked the early part best; later it unraveled a bit):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Debbie Lusignan, the SaneProgressive, Live! Not To Be Missed!“)

The best part: Get to know the mafia-like powers controlling our government and open up to realism, going beyond partisanship. (this part is to challenge our believes and drive our awakening further; not easy if you haven’t advanced enough, yet; it’s about us needing to deprogram ourselves from the manipulative narratives, sugar-coating, and warped perceptions that have been instilled in us our entire lives):

Here is an example. You get yourself elected, maybe with partially good intentions mixed in with the plan to get rich – say, you wanted to reverse the torture and war terror of the Bush-Cheney regime – but the forces behind the curtain convince you otherwise and you flip:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Famous Victim Of US Torture Speaks Out”)


Ending Note: It takes me at least 100 hours a month to research and write for this site and work on my book. Please widely share links to these articles or help in other ways, so this work is not for naught. Donations are really great, too! Thanks. Only together can we change this messed-up world. 🙂

Oddities of the Las Vegas Massacre


The media are once again alive with sensationalist news of a dramatic event: a horrible sniper attack on day-to-day Americans at an open air concert, presumably by another day-to-day American acting alone for no known reason — at least 59 reported dead and 527 injured at the time of this writing. As usual, most of the reports flooding the airwaves and Internet contain little of real importance. Titillation rates much higher in the corporate media than substance. Well, here you shall get more:  Continue reading “Oddities of the Las Vegas Massacre”

Video Weekend 9-23-2017 (8 Videos)

Once again, a collection of fine videos to brighten your weekend with enlightenment and fuel for our political revolution:

Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp together. A fine duo. Unfortunately, I felt they had both made the same statements before, and better, when they did them alone and better prepared. Still, I like what comes up 14:20 minutes into this clip (asking why you would donate to the “Democratic Party” when its primaries are rigged by its own admission!). The talk then moves to the topic of our rigged debates keeping out third parties… handcuffing presidential candidates to keep them away from the rigged debates… and record climate events in the past two months. Later Lee Camp, talking about Bannon, reveals how our corporate media lift up right-wingers by allowing only THEM to criticize corruption even though they are part of it):

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Jimmy Dore On The Corporate State And The Power Of The Petrodollar “)


Political wrangling surrounding Bernie’s Medicare for All bill:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Some Democrats Are Pretending Bernie’s ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Doesn’t Exist “)


The usual lies about healthcare costs and single-payer:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Aetna CEO is Scared To Death of Single-Payer”)

Debunking one of the biggest lies: No, single-payer coverage such as Medicare for All is not single-provider healthcare, meaning a government-run healthcare, but merely a government-secured payment system. So, you can pick and choose your doctors as before, except this time their will be no question whether or not you can pay. It is simply our government doing its sworn duty to look out for its citizens.



(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Obama Enriches Self With Back Room Oil Deal”)


We have a responsibility not only for ourselves to fix our country:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Propaganda Buries Facts & Manipulates Emotions – Abby Martin with Chris Hedges”)

Various revelations about our country’s dark history. Also: an interesting and creepy revelation from former war correspondent Chris Hedges. He explains how the despotic regime in a foreign country went through the same motions as our southern states with their glorification of the Confederation: basically, when people are getting desperate over their worsening lives, give them a myth to feel good about, the better to control them. In our case, that myth would be the ‘noble heroism’ of our civil war’s slavery defenders, building up a white-against-black and south-against-north mentality that keeps us from uniting against the blood-sucking establishment controlling and exploiting us from above. The more divided we are, the better controlled from the top we are.


An older but very nice conversation:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Cornel West and Richard Wolff talk about Capitalism and White Supremacy”)

How much better off are freed slaves when they become enslaved by a wage slavery system? When one king of a company can hire and fire you, abuse you, rip you off and make you lick his boots – and every alternative job is just as bad – it is anathema to democracy!


Nice historic review of the last century of our economy and politics – the New Deal and its repeal:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Full Show 11/11/15: How Reaganomics Killed America’s Middle Class”)

Conclusion: we can’t keep a golden age after getting it, if we don’t topple the plutocrats who will roll back everything to resume their godlike status among a sea of serfs. The pendulum will always swing back to the dark side if we do nothing to lock it in place.


And not to forget: the environment we depend on. One thing apparently forgotten in this conversation was the great danger that lies in our getting the permafrost soil to melt, releasing huge amounts of methane, which is a far worse greenhouse gas than CO2. Basically, we are terraforming ourselves off this planet:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “After Maria “Obliterates” Puerto Rico, Trump Pushes Dangerous Climate Policy”)


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Been Wondering About Syria? Assad stands between it and ISIS/Al-Qaeda

… and the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafist extremist terrorists all.

So much for the myth propagated by our corporate media that the so-called rebels are democracy loving good guys and Assad the awful dictatorial bad guy. As usual, our government fights to destroy all chance of democracy and justice in foreign lands (for corporate profits on cheap oil imports and lucrative arms sales) and pretends to do the opposite. Read what Syrians have to say about it.

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