Political Awakening Video Weekend 08-12-2018 (17 videos)

Read the brief descriptions and pick the videos to watch and make your ears flutter. Political awakening and education of the first tier. Share widely and subscribe to notifications, so you don’t miss future ones.

Stars: Paul Jay, Cornel West, Richard Wolff, Harriet Fraad, Chris Hedges, Nick Braña, Abby Martin, Brian Becker, Jimmy Dore & Co, Thom Hartmann, Debbie Lusignan, Ron Placone, Kyle Kulinski (“Secular Talk”), Marc Steiner, Bill Black, Mike Papantonio (“America’s Lawyer”), Jamarl Thomas, and more.

Topics range from corruption through our thieving economy and rigged politics, actual (not fake) election fraud, fake news (Putin/Russia), a cure for both Trump Derangement Syndrome and Trump Denial Sundrome, as well as successful soundbite debating, to deep thoughts on what it means to be human, political humor, and the dawn of the People’s Party.

At the very least, don’t miss the final three: Cornel West’s profound speech, Jimmy Dore & Co’s humorous stage performance, and a conversation between none other than truth teller Chris Hedges and (future president) Nick Braña! 🙂

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Short yet Smashing Speech by Chris Hedges

As a follow-up to Monday’s sharing of Chris Hedges’s and Richard Wolff’s great recent conversation and yesterday’s sharing of late Ed Schultz’s Swan Song Speech (less far along but perhaps the exactly right stepping stone for some people who have still a little to catch up), here is another speech by Chris Hedges, a short one this time (only 16 minutes!) but still packing a big punch. Enjoy:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for ChrisSmileyMedia and the title: “Chris Hedges Revolutionary Speech”)


Ending Note: To get the word out, please widely share links to these posts. You can also help in other ways (including much needed financial support). Only together can we change this messed-up world. And remember: signing up for notifications is the best way not to miss new articles and shared videos from this corner of awakened independent media.