Quick Thoughts on July 4th, 2023

Back in 2016 we had a presidential candidate who promised Medicare for All and presented the wealthy oligarchy and offered a political revolution. He talked but didn’t walk (and was potentially prevented by the duopoly part of the oligarchy). Our already bad America got even a lot worse in the following years. We obviously can no longer hope for mere elections to fix our problems. One or two generations (except for excluded portions) had had fairly neat lives and belief in an even better future after unions and socialist/communist parties had forced the New Deal into the major political parties. And centuries back the American Revolution out of the British global colonies had indeed not relied on political elections. It seems time again to go beyond politics to end our impoverishment, our turn from home owners into tenants, our money about to be stripped away into digital currency controlled by the oligarchy (able to take away from us any moment), our healthcare system utterly corrupted, our elections totally fraudulent, and the coming AIs either enslaving us completely or deciding to extinct humanity. I think we better get ready to force major changes again, better than ever before, deeper and lasting. Things like ending over-richness and over-power over the rest of us (oligarchs), ending poverty, making healthcare honest again and free for all, preventing our extinction, shifting from narcissism and sociopathy in our culture to Love for All and an insistence on a Good Life for All. Heck, if there really are ETs visiting Earth they might then even connect with us and boost our healthcare and technology fantastically. Such events could make July 4th deserving celebration again.

Back to you. Discuss, spread, hope for us all.


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Need for a People’s Union (part 2)


The previous article briefly exposed our rigged electoral system(s) and concluded that we, the people, need to form a People’s Union. Here are some further thoughts:

Question: How does this connect with party politics? Answer: It does quite a lot. We need to build a people’s movement, at the bottom, with which to wield power outside our gamed political system. It can form a basis for the people’s power outside of candidate campaigns that come and go and depend on campaign leaders who may collapse or sell out. It can let us circumvent the completely rigged electoral processes we are currently trapped in and which easily kill campaigns. It can push for urgently needed things, something that the build of a new political party would take too long to achieve (for example dealing with our current pandemic-economic crisis which can’t wait for future elections). Despite this (much needed) wielding of power outside of party politics, a people’s union could nevertheless (and probably should) push for the creation of a truly democratic people’s party to represent us governmentally once we have overcome election rigging so that elections can work again. Doing so will probably make sense because the two major parties who have monopolized and rigged the electoral processes are through-and-through corrupt and owned by the rich ruling class and seem remarkably immune against a takeover by the people. Suggested link for this path: The People’s Party – A coalition party for the people. Meanwhile, some people still think they can take over our existing major parties (at least the D-Party) from within. A people’s union could actually greatly strengthen both a new party’s creation and attempted takeover of an existing one by imposing strong pressure on the establishment. Strengthening both would enable an inside-outside strategy making both attempts much more successful since the corrupt gangsters at the top would be pushed from the inside, the outside, and below. Much harder to withstand than an attack from only one direction.  Continue reading “Need for a People’s Union (part 2)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-01-19 (16 videos)

Major focus of this week’s video collection: our system treating us like trash and how a new system could do the opposite. Part of this also: our mentality and culture. Some key issues: capitalism, socialism, Universal Basic DIVIDEND, warmongering & terror state…

Stars & Channels: Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Noam Chomsky, Meagan Day & Jimmy Henders, Michael Parenti, The Hill, The Intercept, Michael Brooks, Jimmy Dore, Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25), NonCompete, and more…


  1. Our System Treating us Like Trash ***
  2. The Worst Economy in Our Lifetimes **
  3. Teacher Strikes = People Strikes (Kept Secret by the MSM)
  4. Universal Basic DIVIDEND etc.: Insightful Yanis Varoufakis Conversation **
  5. Historic Insight on Corporatist Fascism
  6. Capitalism (narratives, fascism, $$wars, motives)
  7. Noam Chomsky Describing Our Corporatist Manipulation
  8. Fights to Get Money Out Of Politics
  9. Socialism: Not Normally Being Linked to Government
  10. France’s Uprising Against Neoliberalism
  11. Iran: 1+ Hour of Informed Intellectual Discussion
  12. U.S. Terrorism
  13. Mentality: Are We Evil? Can We Change? ***

Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-01-19 (16 videos)”

If Money Didn’t Rule Us

A brief video clip indirectly insightful of the flaw of our system (although the video hints that following your passion will become livable, which maybe once was partially true for a significant number of lucky folks… maybe during my parents’ generation… but which defintiely never worked in my life because our system had become way too rigged for profits at the top and gouging below). Still, the clip gives a hint of how or world SHOULD be:

What Would You Do If Money Didn’t Matter? | Short Film Showcase ~ National Geographic

And, by the way, this is the main reason of why a citizen’s dividend (often called a UBI, a fair slice of the economy unrightfully owned only by a few privileged rich folks when it should belong to us all)… why this would get us much closer to a humanitarian world for humans to live in, instead of a capitalist hamster wheel fueling the rich lords and wasting all our lives.

The video gives a glimpse of what our bright future, if we make it happen, could look like, without bothering with the details of how to make it happen… just giving a glimpse of the vision that should lead us.

Merry Christmas.


P.S.: Oh, and in case you are tired of standard X-Mess songs, The Revolution Continues shared some alternatives today. 😉


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Wakeful Video Weekend 2019-10-19, Part B (3 videos)

AOC’s Bernie endorsement and Bernie’s fantastic “Back” rally in New York after he is back out of the hospital:


I. AOC’s Bernie Endorsement

This is about a guaranteed advanced standard of living in the United States (the richest nation in hisory) with no ifs no no buts. Power to the people, and a Good Life for All:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Endorses Bernie For President
Bernie Sanders

Additional note: When we mention a people’s revolution, we should realize that this is simply a continuation of our famous 18th century American Revolution where the people shared these aims promoted again today but wealthy creeps subverted the outcome into the mess we are in today.

I hear the echo from the hopeful past: All people are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights – among these life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And the role of government by the consent of the governed is to reflect and protect these and other rights and promote the general welfare (a.k.a. a Good Life for All).   Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2019-10-19, Part B (3 videos)”

Existential Assault

The following broadcast deeply struck a chord within me even though I have not been sexually assaulted (besides a failed attempt long ago, that is). Looking at the connection, I found that my existential assaults by soulless jerks ruining my original life’s career and later every new career and job, time and time again… led to the same feelings of grief and low self-esteem and constant fear, the being shrunk and driven into shame and made afraid to exist.

And when my appeals against profession denial based on declaring my education and job qualification invalid for totally unjustified and totally absurd and paradoxical reasons (rewriting history turning my outstanding study accomplishments into trash) were contemptuously dismissed, it gave me the same humiliation of standing up for receiving justice and getting virtually slapped into the face for it, assigning to me the guilt of others who had ruined my life. It makes me think that in today’s precarious life lived by so many of us, these kinds of results are suffered from way more people than sexual assault victims. So many of us are time and again under existential assault suffering precarious lives for no fault of our own and being denied any hope or worthwhile future.

This is the heart-wrenching report on the results of a sexual assault (often considered a dismissible minor issue) that chimes so closely with the existential assaults suffered by a huge portion of humanity:

The Stanford Sexual Assault Case Made Her “Emily Doe.” In New Memoir, Chanel Miller Tells Her Story
Democracy Now!

Indeed. Such an assault has much longer, deeper, and farther reaching consequences than commonly recognized. But, not to overlook, so do the existential assaults suffered by so many of us.  Continue reading “Existential Assault”

Economics: Shorter Work Hours vs UBI

Richard Wolff gives lots of awesome speeches and explanations, but sometimes he also skips over vital points like probably all of us. Here is one such case:

Economic Update: Beyond Universal Basic Income
Democracy At Work

Comment: Richard Wolff is probably right that reduced full-time workweek hours could be used less well by sociopathic demagogues than a UBI to divide people because the current weird ideology of our right to live deriving exclusively from us working paid jobs would continue as before. No shaking of the boat. There would be less risk of misleading people into thinking that they work shabby jobs and pay painful taxes only to keep lazy other people from having to work (while always overlooking that this is exactly what we are doing in the current system, although not really for under-supplied poor people who get very little help, but rather for all those super-rich people who own most of what can be owned and swim in a huge stream of money flow they do NOT earn by work).  Continue reading “Economics: Shorter Work Hours vs UBI”

Political Awakening Video Weekend 05-12-2019 (18 videos)

A great discussion on UBI, great political satire, class warfare and the dying middle class and poor, healthcare racketeering, political awakening, media corruption by the rule of money, a people’s revolution, the real (capitalist!) entitlement in our market society… 22 cool videos. Stars: Nick Brana, Chris Hedges, Kim Iversen, Richard Wolff, Tulsi Gabbard, Ralph Nader, Jimmy Dore, and more.


  1. Nick Brana & Scott Santens Discussing UBI
  2. Satire: Neoliberal Slavery
  3. Class Warfare: OMG, Reality is Real! Who Knew?
  4. Middle Class Struggling — But still Half Asleep?
  5. Market Society: Infinite Greed, Inequality, Non-Living Wages, Life Depression, The Poor…
  6. Awakening of a Hillerite
  7. Media: The Dying Free Press & Anger Sales
  8. Candidates: Debate-Qualified Ones & Tulsi Interview
  9. A Political People’s Revolution
  10. World: Venezuela Analysis & How Castro Became an Empire Asset
  11. Humor: Hillary’s 2020 Advice & Joe the Sniffer
  12. Capitalist Entitlement

Continue reading “Political Awakening Video Weekend 05-12-2019 (18 videos)”

The Camouflage of Authoritarianism

In the interview clip shared below, a caller makes an important point about authoritarian regimes, namely that authoritarianism can camouflage in any present economic or political system. Therefore socialism gets easily smeared by pointing at the Soviet Union where an authoritarian undemocratic regime hid behind the facade of socialism (or communism, depending on which representative or critic was speaking). It’s almost funny considering that the Soviet Union’s economic system wasn’t really socialist or communist but a form of state capitalism where the ruling capitalists aren’t private owners of everything but bureaucratic members of a regime controlling everything, making workers as ruled from above, voiceless, and possibly exploited at their places of work as in any private ownership style capitalist system. If you research the history of the term socialism you will find that it was created around the idea of democracy in our economy, the workers owning the means of production, not an authoritarian regime acting out as the workers’ alleged representative and thus painting itself as socialist. But I digress…

Continue reading “The Camouflage of Authoritarianism”

Proper Tax vs. Iɯdɹodǝɹ ┴ɐx


As the Tax Day is about to hit us over the head or under the belt line again, it makes sense to give a thought or two about how proper or improper our tax system is.

Clearly, lots of people across the political spectrum hate taxes, or at least their own taxes, or would like others to be taxed more, or – in some cases – gladly pay their taxes as a contribution to the society that grants them a civilized life. (I once belonged to the latter group.)

But how many of us have actually thought this through? What our taxes are for and what they could be used for instead?

Since many of us are busy meeting the deadline, I want to keep this article as short as possible, only throwing out a funny historic remembrance and some food-for-thought seeds for our future.   Continue reading “Proper Tax vs. Iɯdɹodǝɹ ┴ɐx”