Truthful News Weekend 2023-03-18 – (8 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: One very important conversation video about capitalism’s erroneous goal culture (three stars: ***), a must to listen to. The rest of the share-worthy videos I found in a very busy week are fine enough but not the best. Recommendation: People who still like to read may regularly get more out of my added written descriptions, informations and ideas plus comments than from the shared independent media and news videos themselves.

Stars and channels: The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (and Richard Wolff), Second Thought (JT Chapman), Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), Letters and Politics (with Richard Wolff), Sabby Sabs, The Jimmy Dore Show


  1. The Human Lives Ignored by our Economy ***
  2. Railway’s Money Lords’ Profits by Hurting the Rest of Us *
  3. The Fiction-Kind Outcome of Money, Wage Labor, and Capital
  4. Richard Wolff Hinting at Democratic Schools
  5. Social Security Taxation and Financial Situation *
  6. Richard Wolff on the Collapsing Banks
  7. German Demonstrations and Movements for Ukraine Peace *
  8. Bill Gates’ COVID Vaccine Lies for his Profits
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2023-03-18 – (8 videos)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-06-17 (13 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: Many good videos this week, lots of them from one channel that overworked this week.

Stars and channels: Julian Assange’s Brother, The Jimmy Dore Show (incl. Danny Haiphong and Max Blumenthal), Ralph Nader Radio Hour (incl. Chris Hedges), Moment Of Clarity with Lee Camp, We Love Animals


  1. How to Fix Homelessness ***
  2. Great Julian Assange Brother Interview ***
  3. Bolivia Reminder **
  4. China Disinformation **
  5. Russia’s Economy Progressing While U.S. Sanctioned by Itself **
  6. Nice Conversation between Chris Hedges and Ralph Nader *
  7. We Need to Change the Economic Design and its Understanding *
  8. Study How Much Universal Medicare Would Have Helped Us During the COVID Pandemic
  9. Ukraine War-Outcome Blame Game
  10. Ukraine’s Nazi Dictatorship BANS Main Opposition Party
  11. U.S.-Ukraine: Empire Puppet Warned or Dismissed
  12. In Venezuela Common Folks Attack a Fascist Coup Puppet **
  13. The Oligarchy Protecting Itself by Confusing Us *
  14. A Brief Reminder How Our Mindsets Should Be **
Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-06-17 (13 videos)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2021-01-17 (12 videos)

Top video: The American Dream was brought into existence by workers’ fights for decent lives. It then became abused to glorify capitalism and let the workers’ wins be reversed, leading to today’s nationwide disaster. Other issues dealt with in this week’s collection: deeper look into the capitol riot, the fake “left”, the war on free speech and free press, capitalist inefficiency, …

Stars and channels: Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Chris Hedges, Second Thought, The Jimmy Dore Show, Ron Placone, The Hill, DiEM25, Ralph Nader Radio Hour


Super Cool #1 Videos

  1. The American Dream – It’s Beginning and it’s following Abuse & Death ***
  2. Capitol Riot: Noteworthy Facts and Insights **
  3. Cool Dore & Hedges Conversation: The Fake-Left “Elite’s” Evil, The Evil Right’s Boost, the Dishonest Alliance by Mass Media, the Spark of Revolutions **
  4. Cool Jimmy Dore & Richard Wolff Conversation **

#2 Videos

  1. Free Speech: Internet Laws Crippling Free Speech and Free Press (2 vids)
  2. Killing Free Press by Torturing & Killing Julian Assange
  3. Economics: Capitalist’s Inefficiency from “Externalities”
  4. Ron Placone talking with Richard Wolff
  5. Brief Neat Remarks about the Corrupt Top and Non-Progressive “Progressives”
  6. Fighting for Pay Equity (stop the astronomic pay for corrupt CEOs)
  7. Rural Socialism

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂

Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2021-01-17 (12 videos)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-10-04 (21 videos)

If you lack time to discover many top level meaningful videos about major events, problems, and solutions, here is a weekly share for you to check and share onward. Major issues this time: corrupt government and economy, twin-party tyranny now fought by a people’s party, homelessness for profit and fighting against it, plus more about affordable home-building.

Stars and channels: thejuicemedia, Second Thought, The Jimmy Dore Show, Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight), Kyle Kulinski (Secular Talk), Chris Hedges & Richard Wolff (On Contact), Jesse Ventura and Brigida Santos (The World According to Jesse), Dr. Peter Kalmus, Eynelys Garcia, Chris Smalls, Nick Brana (Movement for a People’s Party), Second Thought, Bushradical, The Outsider, Jack of All Master of None, Kristina Smallhorn, MINDS EYE DESIGN, Kirsten Dirksen (Aug 3, 2015), FLORB (Feb 13, 2017)


  1. Honest Government Ad: The Recession
  2. America’s Corporate Twin-Party Tyranny now Opposed by a People’s Party
  3. Good Candidate for U.S. Senate with Ranked Choice Voting in Maine
  4. Daniel Ellsberg on Julian ASSANGE (Torturing an Exposer of Government Crimes, Spy Act Contra 1st Amendment)
  5. Economic Update: COVID Profit Tax, Taxing the Rich, Critique of Capitalism by Podcaster Mexie
  6. Making People Homeless for Profit
  7. Rule of Anti-Law Country
  8. The “Felony” of Getting Healthcare
  9. The Casino Stock Market at Our Costs During a Huge Crisis (Hedges & Wolff talk)
  10. Jesse Ventura on Justice, Constitution, Honesty, Truth, and Addictive Technology
  11. Our Party Politics: A Reality TV Game Show
  12. Freedom Killed by Capitalism
  13. People’s Party Headed to Overcome the Twin-Party Tyranny
  14. Politically Addressing Homelessness
  15. Wood Log Cabin (2 acres & 12×12’ Cabin with Outhouse in Alaska for $8000)
  16. No Real Home, But Interestingly Fast Building Method (“Single Day”)
  17. Large Cabin Built with $7,000
  18. Detailed Explanations by One Company
  19. More Approached by more Companies
  20. Cheap Underground Houses with Windows & Porches
  21. Tiny Earth Ship for less than $10,000

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂

Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-10-04 (21 videos)”

Economics: Shorter Work Hours vs UBI

Richard Wolff gives lots of awesome speeches and explanations, but sometimes he also skips over vital points like probably all of us. Here is one such case:

Economic Update: Beyond Universal Basic Income
Democracy At Work

Comment: Richard Wolff is probably right that reduced full-time workweek hours could be used less well by sociopathic demagogues than a UBI to divide people because the current weird ideology of our right to live deriving exclusively from us working paid jobs would continue as before. No shaking of the boat. There would be less risk of misleading people into thinking that they work shabby jobs and pay painful taxes only to keep lazy other people from having to work (while always overlooking that this is exactly what we are doing in the current system, although not really for under-supplied poor people who get very little help, but rather for all those super-rich people who own most of what can be owned and swim in a huge stream of money flow they do NOT earn by work).  Continue reading “Economics: Shorter Work Hours vs UBI”

What’s with the Anti-Welfare Argument: “I can spend my money better than the government”?

Well, sure. If you’re rich you can spend the money that fell into your lap better on YOURSELF than the government would after taxing some of it back from you. Duh!

How does that disqualify taxes or government spending on the poor, though?   Continue reading “What’s with the Anti-Welfare Argument: “I can spend my money better than the government”?”

One man’s wish: Let the people be free!

At the end of this short piece, I share a video that’ been gathering dust in my archives.

It may be rather long and rambling, but the great point Jamarl’s speech ultimately comes down to is: What kind of life do we want to live? He mentions nobody wanting to be a cog in a wheel which is what people end up being in our current human world. So, ask yourself what kind of life do you want to live?   Continue reading “One man’s wish: Let the people be free!”

Understanding Economics is Important for Meaningful and Lasting Change

Here is a recording and written summary of a podcast interview on MMT, budget deficit myths, and a number of economic topics with economist Stephanie Kelton who used to be a chief economist on the US Senate Budget Committee and was an economic adviser to the Bernie 2016 presidential campaign:

First, the iTunes link for those who can use podcast technology (say during a long commute). It’s 1:52 hours long!

It’s also available as a Youtube audio:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Left Out: [FULL EPISODE] Stephanie Kelton on MMT and debunking budget deficit myths”)


Summary #1 (with a little added spice from me, of course):  

Continue reading “Understanding Economics is Important for Meaningful and Lasting Change”

Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For (Rolling Stone)

An extremely good article from 2014, at that, presenting important steps to a bright future (such as a Federal Job Guarantee and Universal Basic Income) with a fitting theme, namely how our current system blows. This is quite short for all the good ideas it presents. Well worth reading, indeed; and so well written I couldn’t add much by commenting. So, without further ado, here is the link for you: Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For (Rolling Stone Magazine)


Ending Note: It takes me at least 100 hours a month to research and write for this site. If you value my work, find out how you can help. 🙂


Video Weekend 12-02-2017 (7 Videos)

I really like the story arc of this weekend’s selection of politically educational videos. I am starting with some party politics shining a light on the dog-and-pony show and the dark boardroom deals of our corrupt politicians. Then I have a bunch of illuminating documentaries and discussions about a universal basic income, showing how important our mentality is in finding our way forward. And I finish with an amazing older interview of Richard Wolff which predicted so much of what we are seeing now and addresses the mentality aspect of how we can go from here. Neat. I don’t always manage to find the right videos for a smooth story arc, but this one went pretty well I think. Do you like it?


I. Party Politics (fury and fun with Jimmy Dore)

Even life-long republicans see the GOP’s tax scam for what it is:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “More Republicans Denounce Republican Tax Plan“)


A rigged democracy is NO democracy:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Progressive Crowd Boos Bill Maher”)

1:38 min : Oh, election rigging is just fine when one of our political parties does it…

8:17 min: So, what are the “Democrats” saying with their Wikileaks and Russia-Russia-Russia yammering? They are saying that if we hadn’t been caught lying, we’d be running the country right now.

9:29 min : Great closing words by Dylan Ratigan.



Getting passive income for being a member of the people rather than a member of the private club of the idle rich who get almost all the free money right now:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “What would you do if you never had to worry about money?“)


Folks discussing a UBI from different angles:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Basic Income – Our Next Moonshot“)

~20:27 min: A UBI, rather than being a novel populist or socialist/communist idea, in reality tries to realize the ideals of our founding fathers and actually resurrects the land grant we had early in our history.


What a UBI can do for people trapped in poverty:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “BASIC INCOME WORKS! “)


Another interesting UBI discussion. Things like these must be discussed so we can get them right:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “For and against “Basic Income”“)

13:50–24:30 min: A good response to funding and the idea that the universal part of a UBI is wasteful when some of it goes to people who don’t need it.

Another good point made: mentality matters. If we all (or a huge majority, at least) share the ideals of leaving none of our fellow citizens behind, we are already half-way there.


III. Amazing Predictive Interview

To finish, an older one, so prophetic and illuminating:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Dangerous Thoughts: There IS a Tipping Point For Revolution in America: Dr. Richard Wolff”)


Ending Note: It takes me at least 100 hours a month to research and write for this site. If you find any value in what I do, please consider becoming a patron and supporting this site with an automatic monthly donation of $1 or more. If you can’t afford this, then don’t, but please share my posts, tell folks about my online course offering, refer others to this site, refer me to paying outlets, partake in discussion, or contribute essays of your own. Thanks. Only together can we change the world. 🙂