Truthful News Weekend 2023-10-21 – (11 videos)

Summary: Main issue: Israel’s genocide on Gaza. Other issues: loving kindness, histories, political actions, voice disorder (esp. of RFK Jr.), authoritarianism.

Stars and channels: Sabby Sabs, The Real News Network, The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, CCCSpringfield, MedievalMadness, After Skool, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), Destynie Speaks, Sabby Sabs, Second Thought (JT Chapman)


  1. Israel’s Genocide in Gaza **
  2. LovingKindness **/***
  3. Remember Medieval Ages
  4. Ancient History Reconsiderations
  5. Economic Update
  6. Economic Bill of Rights Alleged in Third State *
  7. RFK Jr.’s Voice Disorder
  8. Political Censoring: EU on Twitter
  9. Can we be Honest about Authoritarianism?
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2023-10-21 – (11 videos)”

Quick Thoughts on July 4th, 2023

Back in 2016 we had a presidential candidate who promised Medicare for All and presented the wealthy oligarchy and offered a political revolution. He talked but didn’t walk (and was potentially prevented by the duopoly part of the oligarchy). Our already bad America got even a lot worse in the following years. We obviously can no longer hope for mere elections to fix our problems. One or two generations (except for excluded portions) had had fairly neat lives and belief in an even better future after unions and socialist/communist parties had forced the New Deal into the major political parties. And centuries back the American Revolution out of the British global colonies had indeed not relied on political elections. It seems time again to go beyond politics to end our impoverishment, our turn from home owners into tenants, our money about to be stripped away into digital currency controlled by the oligarchy (able to take away from us any moment), our healthcare system utterly corrupted, our elections totally fraudulent, and the coming AIs either enslaving us completely or deciding to extinct humanity. I think we better get ready to force major changes again, better than ever before, deeper and lasting. Things like ending over-richness and over-power over the rest of us (oligarchs), ending poverty, making healthcare honest again and free for all, preventing our extinction, shifting from narcissism and sociopathy in our culture to Love for All and an insistence on a Good Life for All. Heck, if there really are ETs visiting Earth they might then even connect with us and boost our healthcare and technology fantastically. Such events could make July 4th deserving celebration again.

Back to you. Discuss, spread, hope for us all.


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


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Truthful News Weekend 2023-05-06 – (11 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: Some unusually good ones here this time that speak out some things that are rarely done.

Announcement: In the next 9 weeks I may not have enough Internet access to make these posts. (with some luck maybe some other posts that need less access if I get Internet access) β€” But maybe I then find time to finish writing the important book I started long ago but had not time and energy for.

Stars and channels: The Gravel Institute, Andrewism, Low Income Relief, Second Thought (JT Chapman), Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), Sabby Sabs (incl. Kim Iversen), The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (and Richard Wolff), After Skool (George Carlin)


  1. Capitalism Kills Freedom ***
  2. Waking Up on Capitalism’s Danger and A Need for Change **/***
  3. U.S. Welfare is Bigger for the Wealthy than the Poor **
  4. Recessions Enrich the Rich and Hurt Us while Socialist Economy Could be Much Healthier ***
  5. False Claims of Malice in Marxism **
  6. Faking Presidents and Boggling Candidates and Representatives *
  7. French Demonstrators/Protesters Getting Strong *
  8. Our Bad System of Taxes and Spendings *
  9. Inventions and Creations Rarely Done in Big Companies
  10. Reminder of U.S. Colonialism (Puerto Rico)
  11. Humor: Vocabulary System Dishonesty
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2023-05-06 – (11 videos)”

Truthful News Weekend 2023-03-18 – (8 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: One very important conversation video about capitalism’s erroneous goal culture (three stars: ***), a must to listen to. The rest of the share-worthy videos I found in a very busy week are fine enough but not the best. Recommendation: People who still like to read may regularly get more out of my added written descriptions, informations and ideas plus comments than from the shared independent media and news videos themselves.

Stars and channels: The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (and Richard Wolff), Second Thought (JT Chapman), Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), Letters and Politics (with Richard Wolff), Sabby Sabs, The Jimmy Dore Show


  1. The Human Lives Ignored by our Economy ***
  2. Railway’s Money Lords’ Profits by Hurting the Rest of Us *
  3. The Fiction-Kind Outcome of Money, Wage Labor, and Capital
  4. Richard Wolff Hinting at Democratic Schools
  5. Social Security Taxation and Financial Situation *
  6. Richard Wolff on the Collapsing Banks
  7. German Demonstrations and Movements for Ukraine Peace *
  8. Bill Gates’ COVID Vaccine Lies for his Profits
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2023-03-18 – (8 videos)”

Truthful News Weekend 2022-12-16 – Mindsets (11 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: Various news and speeches. The best being about how to ensure a proper world with a proper human mindset, how insane the capitalist mindset is, and some insights given by Nick Brana on our congress crimes (Rail-workers strikes forbidding example) and the growing social media censoring.

Stars and channels: CCCSpringfield (Dec 11, 2022), The Real News Network (Chris Hedges with Adam Hochschild), The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (with Nancy Fraser), Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), Second Thought, The Jimmy Dore Show (with Whitney Webb), Not the Andrew Marr Show (with Nick Brana), RISE: United Independent Media


  1. Hoping for a Proper World ***
  2. Tough Terrorizing the Workers in the U.S.A Past
  3. Great Mental Image of Capitalism **
  4. Governments Becoming Repressive Institutions Aiding the Rich
  5. Capitalism Consistently Robbing Ownership
  6. Deep State Married with Organized Crime
  7. Weapons Sent to Ukraine End up on a Black Market
  8. A Talk about COVID from Lab Leak
  9. Nick Brana Exposing our Country Corruption ***
  10. Undoing Our Disunity
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2022-12-16 – Mindsets (11 videos)”

Quickypinion on Independence Day

This federal holiday commemorates America’s Declaration of Independence, which in our minds is part of the American Revolution. Isn’t it? So, I wonder. Should we on that day not think about how unfinished that revolution for liberty and common good is, when we are practically enslaved by money lords? And shouldn’t we, instead of playing with warlike fireworks, discuss with our friends and families how to build powerful bottom-up democracy and make possible a Good Life for All? Just a thought I shared.

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. πŸ™‚

Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-07-01 (7 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: Little time this week, but some very good and important videos for marching toward a better world (β€˜*’ stars displaying my grading). We must build powerful grassroots. Something good to remember on the 4th of July.

Stars and channels: Second Thought, Thought Slime, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), The Jimmy Dore Show, The Vanguard


  1. Middle Class Meaning *
  2. Regarding Homeless People like Zombies *
  3. Thoughts about our Duopoly
  4. Airlines’ Corporate Crimes
  5. β€œDemocratic” Party over Decades Demanding Support for Things it Never Does
  6. Voting blue is not enough! Democrats, we call your bluff! (Nice!) **
  7. How Independent Candidate Ventura Became Governor Swiping the Rep & Dem Gangs Away ***
Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-07-01 (7 videos)”

Jesus Upside Down

Note: No video weekend today because I am utterly sick this weekend and had a tough week. So, here is a little article I drafted some time ago:

A weird but not uncommon mentality flaw (typically boosted and imposed by those in power) is: loving and admiring the rich, and despising the poor. This society warp has been around for some time. Even Jesus complained about it according to the Bible, making it pretty long ago by now. This is so badly wrong. We humans should always care about ALL humans (or even beyond!). And the poor are never poor by their own design but by the design from the rich. (And the rich have always (mis-)used religion to oppress the poor and protect their own selfish interests.

It’s ironic when people claim hat it is in fact very difficult for a rich person to live a virtuous life. It is actually much much easier for rich people to live virtuous lives, if they only tried. They cpulf gove away so much stolen wealth or even use it to set up stabilizing institutions. But they never do. I still have to meet one who does; hence Jesus’ promise that the rich will never go to heaven.

There is a nice comment I came across online (on dailykos, which is a platform I rarely look into because it so so DNC-allied; in other words allied with a corrupt elite; blasting Sanders in 2016 and 2020… still, sometimes (very rarely) good folks show up there). Here is the quote:

Jesus was asked by a virtuous rich man what ELSE he could do as he obeyed all the commandments. Jesus told the man the only thing the man needed to do was to sell everything he had and give it to the poor and then, “…come and follow me…” When the rich man refused to give up his riches, Jesus watched the man walk away in tears because the man was so tied to his comforts he could not give them up. Then Jesus turned to the crowd and commented, “Truly, it is harder for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle….” (Matthew 19:16-25).

Yes the next passage (Matt 19:26) is about Jesus’ apostles being astonished when he said that, and his comment that “with God all things are possible…” but again you have to understand it in the context of the times ~ and actually our times as well.

There is a mistaken belief that if you are rich than somehow God loves you more than poor people. This is something the rich hold over others’ heads with all three of these religions in spite of the very strict and quite clear mandate and morals that all say “You SHARE.”

I suspect the man referred to nowadays as Jesus having been one of history’s greatest grassroots activists for solidarity and societal justice, quickly executed by the criminal lords, and then repainted by wannabe lords (preachers / church masters) in alignment with the already existing lords into an alleged promoter for a god and angels and an afterlife. Real Christians would fight for democracy and a no rich and no poor egalitarian society. But where are they nowadays? Most supposed Christians now align themselves with the Hell on Earth power and wealth pyramid, making them Anti-Christians actually. So sad.


Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account.


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


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Ending Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to free updates and to share widely critical stuff you encounter here and elsewhere. Also, please lend support if you can. Together we are the change we have been waiting for.

– – –

The Click in the Brain that Changes Everything

(Note: the Video Weekends are currently stalled because of my relocation β€” in the worst case this blog may pause for some weeks while I lack both time and Internet access)

WARNING: This can be painful. It might help young (even so-called ‘middle-aged’) people finally grow up inside. But it tends to come with pain. Unlike my fellow human beings, I got to this stage of revelation in my infancy, a condition that always made my fellow humans strike me as some kind of dim-witted semi-sentient alien creatures on whose planet I had unfortunately been dropped somehow. When you get to this stage of awareness (and there is one realization-stage even beyond that *sigh*, one that this frankly imperfectly insightful man in the shared video below has not yet reached) it becomes impossible to glorify or even accept commonly promoted goals and deifications of “meritocratic” competition, rich ruling classes, allegedly “free” markets, oh-so-successful big business “thought leaders”, warmongering jingoism, and similar blind idiocies. It is our lives that really count, both our own and all the other lives in the world, lives infinitesimally short and usually very painful at least towards their ends (if not throughout as they are increasingly becoming to more and more of us human beings despite human domination). To not prepare for the end phase (or ideally even consider preventing it, which would be our ultimate ascension) — not just for oneself but for all of us — and to even artificially make life terrible at younger stages through things like exploitation, abuse, solidarity replaced with excessive competition, and the artificially created poverty; is just utterly insane.

It’s also a main reason why so many people seek refuge in religions who promise eternal lives of some kind or another — but without any evidence. Without any evidence whatsoever. How is that different from putting blinders on? (and may I remind you that Buddha, Jesus, and at least partially Muhammad, as far as I have seen, fought for social justice, solidarity, and compassion?)

Well, below is this video you have been warned about. I can easily imagine folks managing not to really get its message (thanks to their blinders and inner mental walls), but if you do, if you try hard enough, you may come to view our world through new eyes and grasp the insanity of our established and institutionalized cultures and customs, and the huge looming vacuum of stuff we should do, should have done, but haven’t. I am reluctant to share it because of the potential pain and the potential mind-blocks raised against grasping the understanding that takes the blinders off. Still… if one person does have the click happen in his or her brain, it may lead to some reasonable actions. So, with hesitance, here it is:

A 97-Year-Old Philosopher Faces His Own Death ~ The Atlantic (Jan 14, 2020)


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


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Ending Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to free updates and to share widely critical stuff you encounter here and elsewhere. Also, please lend support if you can. Together we are the change we have been waiting for.

Wakeful Video Weekend 2021-06-19 (15 videos)

Summary: Insightful reports, speeches, and discussions on important topics like current rigged robbing, colonialism, and changing awareness and culture to change for the better.

Stars & channels: Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), Breaking Points (Krystal and Saagar), The Jimmy Dore Show, Second Thought, Breaking Points, Katie Halper, The Real News Network, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, A New Story of the People ~ Sustainable Human (#CharlesEisenstein), …


  1. News (Immigrants, Injustice)
  2. Welfare vs UBI
  3. Brief Look Into Our Political Corruption
  4. Housing: The Rich Robbing our Homes – The Anti-American Dream
  5. How Billionaires Pay Less In Taxes Than We
  6. World: Israel’s Colonialism
  7. World: Latin America Insights (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Columbia, Mexico…)
  8. Police: Cops Framing Innocent People as Felons
  9. Young People Power for Change
  10. Making War Instead of Solutions
  11. Our Weird Society Lacking So Much
  12. Considering Interconnectedness

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. πŸ™‚
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