Truthful News Weekend 2024-03-02 ** – (10 videos plus comments)

Summary: Soso this week. But at least one definitely important video about our life-crippling capitalist system. Other than that mostly topics on how our systems have become worse, but also an interesting interview about possibly much better cancer treatments, and a 103 years old woman speaking about the human life’s main focus.

Stars and channels: The Real News Network (Chris Hedges and Gretchen Morgenson), Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff & Harriet Fraad), Big Think, The Jimmy Dore Show, T&H – Inspiration & Motivation, Sabby Sabs, The Gravel Institute


  1. Non-Regulated Capitalism is Like a Catastrophic Monopoly Game **/***
  2. Transformations Have Hit Us Hard *
  3. Some Short Trauma Insights *
  4. Economic Update: Capitalism – not us – Giving us Trouble *
  5. Possible Damage Made by the Abnormal COVID Vaccines *
  6. 103 Years Old Dr. Gladys McGarey on Life’s Love Focus *
  7. Cancer Usually Likely Handled Wrong and How to Handle It *
  8. Still Unclear Julian Assange Trial Outcome
  9. Energy Cost Thoughts (incl. Oil Companies Scamming Us)
  10. Trump BACKTRACKS On Guarantee To End Ukraine War
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2024-03-02 ** – (10 videos plus comments)”

Truthful News Weekend 2023-12-23 *** – (14 videos and many comments)

Summary: deep insights and cases on faults plus propositions for needed changes concerning humanity, America, Russia, Ukraine, Europe, (and a little on Israel, too)…

Stars and channels: DiEM25 (Yanis Varoufakis), Sabby Sabs (with Scott Ritter), CCCSpringfield, The Jimmy Dore Show (incl. interviews of Jake Chansley and Tucker Carlson), Democracy At Work(Richard Wolff), Low Income Relief


  1. Best Ever Christmas Message ***
  2. Deep Insight on Russia and U.S.A. (plus Ukraine) ***
  3. Need to Develop More Science-Like Religion and Politics */**
  4. Interesting Congress Candidate *
  5. Richard Wolff Answers *
  6. Economic Update 2023-12-18
  7. Israel Financed Hamas to Use it as Justification
  8. Left & Right Joining to Fight the Corrupt Establishment
  9. Insane Prosecution of Julian Assange and Insane Tax Avoidance of the Rich
  10. People Divided by the Oligarchy and Distracted from Our Real Problems *
  11. Our Turmoils Made by Money Lords and our Government(s)
  12. Digital Currency Terror Hints
  13. Chaos-Build: Housing Losing, Money Losing, etc.
  14. Help with Bills, New Cash Programs, Free Stuff & More
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2023-12-23 *** – (14 videos and many comments)”

Truthful News Weekend 2023-04-01 – (12 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: Sorry I could not post this earlier, my week having been very short on time and disruptive. Issues of shared videos: money games, anti-democracy, political theater, immorality and injustice, proper mindset, big French demonstrations and growing class solidarity. Also numerous written comments.

Stars and channels: Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff and Harriet Fraad), The Jimmy Dore Show, CCCSpringfield, KONCRETE, Sabby Sabs (incl. Steven Dozinger)


  1. The Opposite of Democracy in our Capitalism ***
  2. The Capitalist Theater on Immigrants **
  3. Shrink of our Globally Dominant Dollar and Former Cheap Imports *
  4. Where Did American Leftists Go?
  5. Immorality in Churches and Family Generations
  6. Counterfeit Money
  7. We Better than Me Me Me *
  8. Our Justice System’s Injustice *
  9. France: Growing Class Solidarity *
  10. Shocking Difference Between UK & USA Homelessness
  11. COVID & its Vaxxx Update
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2023-04-01 – (12 videos)”

Truthful News Weekend 2022-08-19 (11 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: mostly our weird money culture and changing it, selfishness vs compassion, and the developing politics.

Stars and channels: The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (and Richard Wolff), The School of Life, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), Dr. John Campbell, CCCSpringfield, The Jimmy Dore Show (with Max Blumenthal), The People’s Party, Sabby Sabs (with Jesse Ventura)


  1. The Declining Empire and Continued Inequality Explosion **
  2. Our Weird Money Culture **
  3. Money as Ego-Driven “Honor” vs True Honor ***
  4. Fossil Fuel Profits Quadrupled, Pharma Blocking Price Reductions, …
  5. Prospective Pfizer-COVID-Vaccine Study
  6. Selfishness vs Compassion, Becoming Aware of Injustice *
  7. Robber Barons’ COVID Abuse vs Cheap Treatments
  8. Criticism of Fake-Progressives
  9. Drug Price Reduction Not Really Happening!
Continue reading “Truthful News Weekend 2022-08-19 (11 videos)”

Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-04-23 (8 videos)

Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account and search engines like Google hide posts like these.

Summary: Overcoming the lies, the myths, the brainwashs, by which we keep being oppressed.

Stars and channels: LEOTHEPANTHERA, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, The Hill (Kim Iversen), The Agenda (with Steve Paikin and Yanis Varoufakis), Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff & Chris Hedges), MHFIN


  1. Wealth Accumulation by Dispossession is Our System
  2. Racism/Anti-Racism “Fun” Instead of Civil Rights
  3. Ukraine: Report on the Deeper Issues
  4. Russia: Tortured by the West over Three Decades
  5. Nurses’ Suicides, Rising Inflation and Corporate Profits
  6. Profits & Power of the Few, Poverty for the Rest of Us
  7. How a Lot of CEOs Get Motivated to Crush the Workers
  8. The Terrible-Made Housing Market Likely to Get Even Worse
Continue reading Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-04-23 (8 videos)

Wakeful Video Weekend 2021-12-05 (11 videos)


Request: Please share with others. I, for example, can no longer share on Facebook, having been locked out of my account.

Summary: primarily how to change our hellish (inequality & burnout) culture

Stars & channels: Melanie Poole (fantastic!!!), TEDx Talks, Thought Slime, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), 1Dime, The Hill, The Jimmy Dore Show, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, The People’s Party (esp. Zeynab Day & Nick Brana)


  1. Let’s Cure the Disease of Job Status
  2. Powering Up Social Change by Story Sharing
  3. Using People’s Strengths and Wishes for Progress
  4. Oh So Heroic Elon Musk
  5. State Capitalism vs Real Socialism, Improper 1st Step Revolution vs 2nd Step
  6. The Role of Money
  7. Our Burnout Culture
  8. COVID: Is Omicron Bad or Possibly Good?
  9. U.S. Hospitals Shrinking and Closing
  10. Medical Addiction for Huge Profits
  11. People’s Party National Call, December 2, 2021

Continue reading Wakeful Video Weekend 2021-12-05 (11 videos)

The Click in the Brain that Changes Everything

(Note: the Video Weekends are currently stalled because of my relocation — in the worst case this blog may pause for some weeks while I lack both time and Internet access)

WARNING: This can be painful. It might help young (even so-called ‘middle-aged’) people finally grow up inside. But it tends to come with pain. Unlike my fellow human beings, I got to this stage of revelation in my infancy, a condition that always made my fellow humans strike me as some kind of dim-witted semi-sentient alien creatures on whose planet I had unfortunately been dropped somehow. When you get to this stage of awareness (and there is one realization-stage even beyond that *sigh*, one that this frankly imperfectly insightful man in the shared video below has not yet reached) it becomes impossible to glorify or even accept commonly promoted goals and deifications of “meritocratic” competition, rich ruling classes, allegedly “free” markets, oh-so-successful big business “thought leaders”, warmongering jingoism, and similar blind idiocies. It is our lives that really count, both our own and all the other lives in the world, lives infinitesimally short and usually very painful at least towards their ends (if not throughout as they are increasingly becoming to more and more of us human beings despite human domination). To not prepare for the end phase (or ideally even consider preventing it, which would be our ultimate ascension) — not just for oneself but for all of us — and to even artificially make life terrible at younger stages through things like exploitation, abuse, solidarity replaced with excessive competition, and the artificially created poverty; is just utterly insane.

It’s also a main reason why so many people seek refuge in religions who promise eternal lives of some kind or another — but without any evidence. Without any evidence whatsoever. How is that different from putting blinders on? (and may I remind you that Buddha, Jesus, and at least partially Muhammad, as far as I have seen, fought for social justice, solidarity, and compassion?)

Well, below is this video you have been warned about. I can easily imagine folks managing not to really get its message (thanks to their blinders and inner mental walls), but if you do, if you try hard enough, you may come to view our world through new eyes and grasp the insanity of our established and institutionalized cultures and customs, and the huge looming vacuum of stuff we should do, should have done, but haven’t. I am reluctant to share it because of the potential pain and the potential mind-blocks raised against grasping the understanding that takes the blinders off. Still… if one person does have the click happen in his or her brain, it may lead to some reasonable actions. So, with hesitance, here it is:

A 97-Year-Old Philosopher Faces His Own Death ~ The Atlantic (Jan 14, 2020)


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


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Ending Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to free updates and to share widely critical stuff you encounter here and elsewhere. Also, please lend support if you can. Together we are the change we have been waiting for.

Hope for a Coronavirus-Stimulated Revolution

(Note: the Video Weekends are currently stalled because of my relocation — in the worst case this blog may pause for some weeks while I lack both time and Internet access)

While the current pandemic is being used by the robber billionaires and their political puppets to steal from us what little we have left, some folks point out that this catastrophe can be a perfect situation for us, the people, to revolt and make our world better, as other nationwide or global catastrophes have historically often done. Catastrophes pull people out of their comfort zone and push them over the edge. Some folks even seem to be sure this is going to happen now, even globally.

This would be great, but I frankly am not at all sure the current pandemic is igniting a global revolution, as much as I wish for it. While the U.S. is getting badly mauled by the pandemic and the rich oligarchs are using it as an opportunity to claw away from us the remaining crumbs left after generations of continued stealing from us, most other countries’ governments are actually performing a lot better in protecting their populations, not only from the virus but also the tragic loss of income and housing. So, it seems to me that it is OUR country that should respond with a revolution, and if it did so, it could lead other parts of the world that way like it did in the past.

But, after having been brainwashed for generations, can we still pull this off? I wonder. I hope but wonder. At the very least, I think this will require grassroots activists to get it started, not through violence, but by organizing crisis management at the bottom and thereby connecting us with each other and teaching the large bottom that we must rise and topple the top and shift from the current sociopathic exploitation culture to an egalitarian one of No Rich and No Poor, No Lies or Violence to control and enslave others, no more ignoring of nature’s challenges or fellow people’s suffering, and following the overarching principle of a Good Life for All.

We need a mentality change. And it won’t happen by itself. So, everybody craving for a better world, play your part.


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


Stay notified despite social media censorship! Get timely Updates (and spread the word)


Ending Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to free updates and to share widely critical stuff you encounter here and elsewhere. Also, please lend support if you can. Together we are the change we have been waiting for.

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-11-01 (18 videos)

For others short on time, here is another weekly share of cool videos dealing with our issues. Major ones handled this time: unethical cultural & systemic flaws hurting us and building mentality and a people’s movement to fix these issues. Also part 5 of the series on making affordable housing possible (more critical than ever due to the looming mass evictions).

Stars & channels: “Honest Government Ad” (thejuicemedia), The Nomad Economist, Chris Hedges, Jimmy Dore, mediasanctuary, Second Thought, Richard Wolff (Democracy At Work), Movement for a People’s Party, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, and more.


  1. Government Ads: Brainwashing the Public
  2. Current Economy (and Civil War Fear) Summarized
  3. Being Ethical (Hear, hear, liberals and cons!)
  4. Chris Hedges: The Politics of Cultural Despair
  5. Growing Awareness vs Stubborn Blinders in the U.S.
  6. Summary of Media Oligarchy
  7. Minor Reforms Don’t Make Capitalism Good and Safe
  8. The People’s Party Talks Are Much Better than the Twin Party Debates
  9. Talk with Rep. of Patriotic Millionaires | Trump’s Coup-Style Law Breaking
  10. Latest National Call of the People’s Party
  11. The Process of Foreclosure Sales
  12. Bank-Owned Foreclosures Can be More Affordable
  13. Evaluating Prices
  14. Lots of Troubles & Risks with Foreclosures & Tax Deed Sales
  15. How to Find a Good Realtor (usually paid for by the seller, I heard, btw!)
  16. Another Risk when Buying a House

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂
Continue reading “Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-11-01 (18 videos)”