Political Awakening Video Weekend 2019-06-02 (19 videos)

Another weekend compilation of special videos and commentary for political and economic awakening that popped up this week. Definitely no focus on party or identity politics. Rather insights in the rigged system we struggle in and why or how we must stand up against it pushing for a good one instead. Stars: Bernie, AOC, Chris Hedges, Richard Wolff, Graham Elwood, Kim Iversen, Jimmy Dore, Lee Camp, Naomi Karavani, Thom Hartmann, Stef Zamorano, Greg Palast, Jesse Ventura, Howie Hawkins, and more.


  1. War & Profit: The Wreckage of our Billionaire’s War Profiteering
  2. Brainwash: The Anti-Left “Cultural Marxism” Scaremongering
  3. Docu (Realism): “»Free«” Trade vs Protectionism
  4. Party Loyalty Mental Gymnastics
  5. Bernie on Meet the Press
  6. The Bernie-Assange Tumble
  7. Docu: Capitalism – The Winner Take All Society
  8. Docu: Giving up the Middle Class
  9. Docu (2016): Even Two-Income “MC” Families Struggle
  10. Economic Health from Public Spending
  11. Jesse Ventura agrees with me: Stop Voting R&D
  12. Trump Derangement Syndrome
  13. Free or Cheap Service When we Already Have Massive Un-&-Underemployment
  14. Many Ways of Voter Suppression
  15. Green Candidate & Discussion Beyond Weak Reform
  16. Corporate Tax Games (Amazon et al)
  17. AOC Exposes Our Domestic Terrorism
  18. U.S. Economy: Not Just the Young & Middle-Aged Get Screwed
  19. Redacted Tonight (incl. Humor): Elections, 1st Amendment, Arms Deals, Surveillance…


I. War & Profit: The Wreckage of our Billionaire’s War Profiteering

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for Graham Elwood and the title: “US Army Tweet Provokes Outpouring Of Anti War Sentiment — The Political Vigilante”)


II. Brainwash: The Anti-Left “Cultural Marxism” Scaremongering

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for Empire Files and the title: ‘Debunking Jordan Peterson’s “Cultural Marxism” with Richard Wolff’)


III. Docu (Realism): “»Free«” Trade vs Protectionism

Pretty amazing that some country’s state-run media still tell a little bit of truth. Shared before, a yar ago, but good to share again with anyone who missed it:

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for DW Documentary and the title: “The deceptive promise of free trade | DW Documentary”)

Quote: “One country’s loss is another country’s gain.” Let’s make this more precisely describing our global economy: Many working people’s loss is a billionaire’s gain. — The real issue is always the gouging of the bottom by the top of a wealth-and-power pyramid we are born into. To increase their profits, paid out in stocks and their dividends, the robber billionaires move jobs to low pay places like China. When the pay of workers there rises or customer countries raise import tariffs, they move the jobs elsewhere or the China-made parts to places like Taiwan for assembly to circumvent the tariffs. When all these tricks from the capitalist strategy book no longer work or make less profit than automation, they simply automate our salary earning jobs away. Automating nasty drudgery away is actually a good thing, but only if we – the mass of the people – stop the robber billionaires from stealing our economies’ dividends from us. That’s why I keep promoting a Citizens’ Dividend (the so-called UBI in most discussions), not as a placating hand-out, but as recovery of what the rich ruling class steals from us every day and night, (A) to undo the theft and restore shared prosperity, and (B) to take the political weapon of huge bribe money out of their hands.


IV. Party Loyalty Mental Gymnastics

… approving inside continuity of evil when it’s under the veneer of outside change:

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for The Jimmy Dore Show and the title: “Trump Sells Weapons To Saudi’s Against Congress’s Will”)


V. Bernie on Meet the Press

Any people’s candidate coming out so good on corporate media always amazes me:

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for NBC News and the title: “Full Sanders: ‘We’re Going To Try To Transform The United States Of America’ | Meet The Press”)


VI. The Bernie-Assange Tumble

I have high tendency to fully agree with Jamarl’s analyses. He is one of the smartest folks I look for when searching for analytical videos (the main reason I skip them is that they are often too long for time-strapped viewers; but here is a short one). Gist (that all former or current Bernie supporters should grasp, but not all do), is that Bernie has to dodge certain issues (or possibly even play along with some others) in order to appeal to the zombie-part of the “Dem” Party base in order to get through their primaries (assuming they won’t be rigged too solidly, something I always suspect it will be, one of two reasons why Bernie should have helped a People’s Party ot get off the ground instead of running in the “D” arm of the R&D oligarchy-serving political gang for a second time… and that when his life is about to draw to a close, oh well…):

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for Jamarl Thomas and the title: “Why Is Bernie Sanders Conspicuously Afraid Of Julian Assange?”)


VII. Docu: Capitalism – The Winner Take All Society

Do we want to live good lives or be thrown into a monopoly game against our will?

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for CNBC and the title: “Why The Inequality Gap Is Growing Between Rich And Poor”)

You tell me.


VIII. Docu: Giving up the Middle Class

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for PBS NewsHour and the title: “Why so many Americans in the middle class have no savings”)


IX. Docu (2016): Even Two-Income “MC” Families Struggle

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for PBS NewsHour and the title: “In today’s economy, even two-income families struggle to make ends meet”)


X. Economic Health from Public Spending

Her economic views are still a bit unfinished, but what she tells us about Europe may be a valuable insigh for some of us:

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for Kim Iversen and the title: “Which economic system is the BEST in the world (which I support)?”)


  1. That’s why Medicare for All and a Citizen Dividend (UBI, Social Security for All) would help everyone and everything in so many ways, especially when balanced with a cap tax on the rich to remove Big Money from politics. — Some things Kim says reek of limited understanding: the rainy day fund, for example. But that’s beside the point. The point made here is that government spending on its people who need and spend the money leads to a much healthier economy than giving it all to the robber billionaires who only use it to gamble on Wall Street and bribe the government to rig everything even more for them (war profiteering included).
  2. I also totally disagree with her approval of competition. Here and there competition may bring out the best in people, but for the most part competition neutralizes our strength. The ancient Egyptians could move giant boulders and pile them up into pyramids. With our constant tugs or war we cannot even move a pebble.


XI. Jesse Ventura agrees with me: Stop Voting R&D

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for RT America and the title: “How political parties sell out to donors”)


XII. Trump Derangement Syndrome

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for The Jimmy Dore Show and the title: “Dumbest Way To Oppose Trump Yet!”)


XIII. Free or Cheap Service When we Already Have Massive Un-&-Underemployment

… and with automation it is only getting worse…

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for The Jimmy Dore Show and the title: “Worst Pres. Candidate So Far: Seth Moulton”)

That’s how the ‘elites’ are thinking. Not about how to create a Good Life for All but how to squeeze yet one more drop of blood from our crumpled bodies.


XIV. Many Ways of Voter Suppression

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for Thom Hartmann Program and the title: “Your Next Vote Probably Won’t Be Counted (w/ Greg Palast )”)


XV. Green Candidate & Discussion Beyond Weak Reform

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for RT America and the title: “On Contact: Third parties and US politics, with Howie Hawkins”)


XVI. Corporate Tax Games (Amazon et al)

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for CNBC and the title: “How Amazon Paid $0 Federal Income Tax in 2018”)


XVII. AOC Exposes Our Domestic Terrorism

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for NowThis News and the title: “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Exposes White Terrorism Double Standard | NowThis”)


XVIII. U.S. Economy: Not Just the Young & Middle-Aged Get Screwed

… with student loans, un- and underemployment, low wages, benefitless gigs, and so forth. No, the new elders are getting screwed, too (the old elders may still be benefitting from the Golden Age pension system and therefore voting R&D by their old habit). It’s been long in the coming. Excerpt of a longer great report recently shared:

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for Democracy At Work and the title: “Richard Wolff on the Pension Crisis”)


XIX. Redacted Tonight (incl. Humor): Elections, 1st Amendment, Arms Deals, Surveillance…

(Note: If the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for Redacted Tonight and the title: “~246~ US Election Systems Taken Over By Pentagon & Microsoft”)


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