The National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Continues to Fight Trumpcare

The Congressional Budget Office has finally caught up with estimating the damages of the Trumpcare 2.0 bill rammed through the House of Representatives and waiting for Senate approval: 23 million will lose health coverage. The bill will also cut $834 billion from Medicaid, which will threaten access to long-term care benefits, hike premiums for older Americans by as much as five times, and all that while giving the wealthiest Americans the lion’s share of a lavish $663 billion tax break for the wealthy! 

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare is an advocacy group which has been fighting to protect Social Security and Medicare since 1982. With the current threats to Social Security and Medicare from Trumpcare 2.0 and the new budget plan, it may be a good idea to honor its current request for donations to its war chest: Give Now! | National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

2 thoughts on “The National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Continues to Fight Trumpcare

  1. I’m so tired of watching the rich plow over the poor and “shame” us into silence… I came up with a new organization called C.R.A.P.–The committee to “Chastise Rich Arrogant Pricks.” We publicly shame and chastise rich a**holes for not paying their fair share of taxes and for cutting programs for the poor, elderly, disabled, minorities, women…hell, everyone except THEM. Join C.R.A.P. at The Mad as Hell Party:


  2. Hahahahah! Nice!

    I wonder if it could ever get even beyond the shaming of the thieves for not returning some of their loot to where the source of all the trouble lies: that we let them steal from us in the first place.

    It might even be necessary, since some of them (and some of their minions) throw up iron resistance and scathing rhetoric to the idea of taking away the loot that is so “rightfully” theirs.


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