Video Weekend 04-14-2018 (11 videos)

Some videos I wanted to share for weeks kept slipping through the cracks (what with me having all sorts of existential battles to fight each week and day). Here they finally are, and then some. There’s a lot of bern in this compilation.

  1. Inequality
  2. Mentality
  3. Party Corruption
  4. Media
  5. Foreign Policy
  6. War


I. Inequality

To start, here is the full recording of the inequality town hall of Bernie Sanders which you probably have seen already somewhere (I think I may have shared at least a small clip from this already). More videos further below refer to it. If you want to (re-)watch or search through the whole event, you can do it right here:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie’s Inequality in America National Town Hall – TYT Summary “)

  • Note: Very important point: the top 10% (not just 1%) do well enough and therefore do everything in their power to block the 90% below them from doing better.
  • Question: How are people who can’t get a job join a labor union?
  • Note: 44% of homeless people have a job but get paid too little to afford a home.
  • Good comment by Darrick Hamilton: Can we simply work hard and study hard and [thereby] adress inequality. The answer is no.
  • 1:08:45: How ourcorrupt laws are written.
  • Note: Another good point: the establishment not only rigs our elections and legislative process but also works on lowering our expectations so we let it all happen.
  • Noteworthy phrases: people being cut out of the game, shaming the poor
  • Nice quote from Bernie: ”… this 1% that wants it all and is prepared to step on everybody.”

Comment: Dubious (neo?)-liberals wooing progressive voters are always saying that they and we want equality of opportunity. I am not satisfied with that. I want a less cruel system. In fact, I want a system that is NOT cruel.

And here is the TYT summary:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie’s Inequality in America National Town Hall – TYT Summary”)

… and Kyle Kulinski’s commentary:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Michael Moore: Dems Need To Be A Party For Workers“)

… and “The Rational National’s” commentary:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie And Michael Moore Slam Corporate Media’s Failure On Poverty “)

Everybody is empathetic, a self-serving “conservative” says (except he, apparently, who places the “Free Market” god above compassion and solidarity that he believes we simply cannot afford): — It’s sometimes helpful to check up on the other side of the fence in our divided society. So, under this link you can listen to a well-to-do, comfortable-all-his-life GOP/libertarian supporter ignorantly philosophizing over economics and reinforcing the to him so convenient belief that helping the disadvantaged is simply not possible or will miraculously happen by itself through the profit-driven market which doesn’t give a rat’s tail about people’s misery. (btw, loosing abysmal jobs with slave wages is actually a good thing, not a bad thing, if we make it possible to replace them with better alternatives – and the example of McDonalds replacing people with machines happened actually in the context of McDonalds having had record profits; furthermore, Bill Gates created only a microscopic portion of “his product”, so why does he get almost all the profit? … Like many confused folks, this guy does get some points at least somewhat right, such as that rising student loans without university price regulations drives the prices for university attendance up (it’s only part of the story, though, as usual). For the same reason, by the way, a universal basic income or federal job program shouldn’t come without safeguards like rental price control to prevent rent usury that could undo any widened prosperity).


II. Mentality

People’s inside diseases result in a sick society. Meet the quasi-religious mentality at the top of our dungheap society pooping down on us below:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “The Religion Of Libertarianism“)


III. Party Corruption

Topics: a fool’s errand to run as an honest candidate inside a corrupt party; no law enforcement concern over Americans stealing elections from Americans (only Russian suspects of minor electoral shoplifting seem to matter), election officials who tear up ballots, immunity of white-collar criminals, corporate and government crimes being the biggest of all crimes by far, helping culture and society instead of only a few individuals, etc.:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “[106] Democrats Destroy Democracy, Banks Launder Money For Terr¤rists w/ Tim Canova“)


IV. Media

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie Keeps ShĂ­ttĂ­ng On The Media & It’s Glorious “)

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie Hammers Corporate Media: They Cover Stormy Daniels Instead Of Poverty!“)

If it doesn’t get too repetitive, here is a similar commentary by Mike Figueredo.


V. Foreign Policy

The “World Police” fosters dictatorships and war:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Bernie Stands Up To War Machine! Introduces Yemen Resolution “)


VI. War

An exact replay of last year’s media stunt[1] to legitimize yet another American war crime in the Middle East[2]:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “WEB EXCLUSIVE: Strikes In Syria – The Hard Facts (with Max Blumenthal)”)

Note: the U.S. Military Industrial Complex creates and supports Islamist terrorism (together with Saudi Arabia and Turkey). Are some eyes finally opening?


VII. Special Conversation

In this excellent conversation of two champions, Nick Braña from the Movement for a People’s Party talks with Tim Canova about leaving the “Democratic Party” and a lot more:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Tim Canova leaves the Democratic Party! Takes on Debbie Wasserman Schultz as an independent!“)


Ending Note: It takes me at least 100 hours a month to research and write for this site and work on my book. Please widely share links to these articles, or help in other ways, so this work is not for naught. Donations are really great, too! Thanks. Only together can we change this messed-up world. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Video Weekend 04-14-2018 (11 videos)

  1. Awesome videos! The Newsbroke one on Libertarianism really is revealing and should be shared widely. I’m still not sure why Tim Canova didn’t leave the DNC earlier. They certainly didn’t treat him well.


    1. Tim Canova, I believe, has been a lifelong Democrat (without quotation marks) — in fact, he states that now when he is running independent he is actually the true D/democrat in the race — and the inner transformation we need to go through to make possible external transformation takes time. For most people it takes time to let go of longstanding loyalty and perceived alliance. At least he has now made the move. Bernie still hasn’t even though he spent most of his political life as an independent.

      However, not only does Bernie want to reform the former quasi-people’s party back to the principles he experienced when he was young, but for a presidential president it is much harder to get on all 50 state’s ballots than for a local candidate to get on one with that plethora of hurdles erected by the party duopoly, some of which quite unbelievable. (and then the quick reshaping of the hurdles and even bogus lawsuits against non-duopoly candidates when the hurdles fail…)

      Yep, it’s quite a fight and we are all called upon to make it succeed.


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