So, Who Won the 2016 Election? The Establishment, of Course! – Surprise!

Friends, as I have been busy explaining all year, the “Democratic” and Republican party are like the two arms of the establishment. Both work for the oligarchs (the robber billionaires and their mighty minions, the big banks and corporations), and we should break them both. The “Democratic” Party is a closer goal since Bernie Sanders’ populist upset and a rising Green Party which has gained enough support for us to move it into play (even if this election’s election fraud apparently made a point in reducing its permitted and counted votes to an alleged mere 1% — and, yes, as I have also been trying to explain, the better cheater “wins” our elections until we clean them up).

Anyway, as the news from TYT clearly show, it was – once again – the establishment which won the dog-and-pony show we get every four years. Watch:

As I have proposed in Seven Strategies against the System, we really must tackle our systemic corruption on a broad front.

(Note: if the video to which the above link points gets deleted, you may search for the title: “Trump IMMEDIATELY Backpedals On Wall And More…” and the Internet-TV channel of “The Young Turks”)

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