Video Weekend 10-14-2017 – Part B (3 Videos)

Sundays are meant to be relaxing. So, here are three calm videos of politically educational caliber. The first connects with yesterday’s videos by being yet another reason for Americans to appreciate RT. How often do U.S.-establishment-controlled media discuss issues like these?


Peter Joseph on our current state of things and our so much better alternative options:

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Empire Files: Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism”)


Antidemocratic “Democrats” :

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “Smash The Democratic Party, Save the World “)

Gist: If the DP resists change, dismantle or starve it. Something else will take its place. Something better. Challenge corruption in politics! Bernie Sanders is the “Democratic” Party’s ghost of Christmas past, showing it (and everybody else) what this party used to stand for but no longer does. Long ago it acted as a people’s party, not just another tool for the robber barons (Republican Party 2.0), and Bernie keeps reminding everybody of that.


Humanity First Instead of Markets First

(Note: if the video linked above gets deleted, you may search the Internet for the title: “The Ultimate Problem is Trust : “)

Gist: Our current economic system knows only one goal: profit for the few. If that means stealing from the poor to give to the rich, the people in charge don’t so much as blink.


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