Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-03-19 (12 videos) – PLUS Insight Writing

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Summary: Major issues this time are our system’s money policy spinning out of control; plus the COVID vaccination, treatment, and immunity updates. Also deep thought writing on our crumbling/corrupt economy.

Stars and channels: acTVism Munich, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff & David Harvey), Dr. John Campbell, The Jimmy Dore Show (with Aaron MatΓ©), Bridger Pennington, WIRED


  1. Bio-Weapon Making Labs in Ukraine, China, AND U.S.A.?!?
  2. Corrupt Capitalism: Why Corporations Donate To Charities *
  3. Technology Capitalism *
  4. Inflation Trouble from our Money Policy Spinning out of Control **
  5. Marx’s Thoughts on Work Surplus and Healthy Society **
  6. Possibly a Few Decent Politicians in a Foreign Country?
  7. COVID: Vitamin D Helps a Lot
  8. COVID: Ivermectin Helps a Lot
  9. COVID: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccs
  10. COVID Vaccines: Pfizer CEO Was SKEPTICAL of mRNA Vaccines
  11. U.S. Petrodollar at Collapse
  12. Short Report on Science of Aging

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