Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-03-19 (12 videos) – PLUS Insight Writing

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Summary: Major issues this time are our system’s money policy spinning out of control; plus the COVID vaccination, treatment, and immunity updates. Also deep thought writing on our crumbling/corrupt economy.

Stars and channels: acTVism Munich, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff & David Harvey), Dr. John Campbell, The Jimmy Dore Show (with Aaron Maté), Bridger Pennington, WIRED


  1. Bio-Weapon Making Labs in Ukraine, China, AND U.S.A.?!?
  2. Corrupt Capitalism: Why Corporations Donate To Charities *
  3. Technology Capitalism *
  4. Inflation Trouble from our Money Policy Spinning out of Control **
  5. Marx’s Thoughts on Work Surplus and Healthy Society **
  6. Possibly a Few Decent Politicians in a Foreign Country?
  7. COVID: Vitamin D Helps a Lot
  8. COVID: Ivermectin Helps a Lot
  9. COVID: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccs
  10. COVID Vaccines: Pfizer CEO Was SKEPTICAL of mRNA Vaccines
  11. U.S. Petrodollar at Collapse
  12. Short Report on Science of Aging

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1. Bio-Weapon Making Labs in Ukraine, China, AND U.S.A.?!?

Greenwald: The White House’s game-playing denials of bio labs in Ukrain ~ acTVism Munich (Mar 11, 2022)

2. Corrupt Capitalism: Why Corporations Donate To Charities *

Examples of shocking system abuses by the rich (typically via their corporations). These are in addition to the people-robbing abuse of “Philanthropy” I informed about recently with a very interesting report video shared here.

Ask Prof Wolff: Why Corporations Donate To Charities ~ Democracy At Work (Mar 11, 2022)

3. Technology Capitalism *

This guy babbles a bit too much as always but gets some worthwhile thoughts through in this short 5 minute video.

Streaming Platforms, Stealing Profits – Anti-Capitalist Chronicles with David Harvey ~ Democracy At Work (Mar 11, 2022)

4. Inflation Trouble from our Money Policy Spinning out of Control **

A particularly nifty insight not normally heard before comes at 50:50, then continuing at 58:29 into how inflation has successfully been stopped in our history (at least part of what we could do again). Richard Wolff explains pretty well our money policy’s spinning out of control.

One thing I wonder: Why does Richard Wolff not go into figuring out for us if the 7-8% of reported inflation is actually accurate? After all, living costs have risen very dramatically for non-rich people, especially poor ones, when health costs, housing prices, car prices, travel (gasoline) prices, and food prices have sky-rocketed with added huge costs for child care and education that were imposed on so many people in our modern age when they hardly appeared in prior generations, plus the big money extraction via imposed debt and all sorts of fees that didn’t exist in the better old days, plus massive insurance fraud and cost raises, and profitable savings elimination, pension eliminations. I cannot match the 7-8% with how hard our financial struggles have become. So much harder in my opinion than a few percent. Living costs strike me as having more than doubled since the eighties. Rents alone at least tripled or quadrupled. Still, despite my not addressed question about this, lots of good revelations are given constantly by Richard Wolff, including in this speech (although much of it heard here already).

Global Capitalism: The Inflation: Causes, Effects, & Outlook [March 2022] ~ Democracy At Work (Mar 9, 2022)

Side Note: A video I shared recently made the claim that how inflation gets calculated nowadays is indeed fraudulent, reducing the numbers by simply switching to cheaper products like, for example, checking ground meat costs nowadays instead of steak costs checked in the past, but then reported as the cost changes for the same thing. I don’t know if that is actually true, but it could explain perhaps at least part of the rather hard to believe numbers we are given by our authorities.

Additional Thought:

It makes sense to me to emphasize what was not emphasized enough, namely a recognition where all this trouble we now have comes from. When money stopped being linked to real world wealth like gold, being instead created out of thin air (thus making economic growth unhindered – an effect that at least sometimes can be good), this resulted sooner or later in a monetary system spinning out of control, since the flooding money – when mostly given to the rich – ended up in them gambling the stocks in the stock market into astronomically grown prices (inflation of the stocks). Very tempting for investors to play along with that, because stocks of growing prices can later be sold making huge profits; this kind of money wealth gain not earned by real work that creates real world wealth but merely by gambling up the stock prices. This is wealth that can disappear when the stock market crashes, which it will sooner or later. And the growing inequality resulting by this money policy that kept making the rich richer and the rest of us poorer leads closer and closer to the precipice of an economic crash when the rich can no longer make profits from selling products and services because nearly all of us have become too poor to buy much anymore.

Therefore, as time goes on, this monetary system of fictional money made out of thin air becomes increasingly unstable. And so, while the stock market crash gets delayed by pumping more based-on-thin-air new money into this system where the rich raise the prices of everything for their profits and worsen the economy, when the crash finally occurs it’s all the more severe. Instead of pumping more and more gifts and loans into the rich robber barons’ pockets, giving money to the rest of us would let us buy more again and thus re-stabilize the economy, but only, yes ONLY, if the tiny group of rich folks were at the same time blocked from raising prices indefinitely. So, in other words, a system based exclusively on money made from thin air and price control left in the hands of a few rich money lords who are motivated to rise prices rather than freeze them, unavoidably leads to greater inequality and greater inflation and instability.

So, to give us stability and permit a Good Life for All, the system of fictitious-style money must actually have governmental price control the way gold-based money was controlled by the actual gold amount. When such an effort were likewise combined with taxing away excessive richness (cap tax on income and wealth) and moving lots of corporate stocks into public funds (Universal Basic Dividend system (Yanis Varoufakis’s suggestion of it shared here)), then money not based on real wealth like gold, would stop spinning out of control and thus stop giving us harmed and crashing economies and countless ruined human lives. In other words, the stability that in the past came from gold not popping up out of thin air, needs to be replaced with a stability made by artificial control of the artificial money. Creating lots of artificial money without any control can have some nice results at first but sooner or later topples over a precipice.

Continued thinking:

5. Marx’s Thoughts on Work Surplus and Healthy Society **

Economic Update: What Marx & Marxism Offer Us Today ~ Democracy At Work (Mar 14, 2022)

6. Possibly a Few Decent Politicians in a Foreign Country?

… when we have none left in the American government utterly bought up by the robber billionaires.

Irish Politicians GO OFF On Western Hypocrisy Over Ukraine ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Mar 13, 2022)

7. COVID: Vitamin D Helps a Lot

Vitamin D, Strong evidence from Israel ~ Dr. John Campbell (Mar 3, 202)

8. COVID: Ivermectin Helps a Lot

Ivermectin in Africa and Brazil ~ Dr. John Campbell (Mar 14, 2022)

9. COVID: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccs

John Campbell also mentions that the majority of people have natural immunity by now, but sadly doesn’t mention where he got that data from.

Superior natural immunity ~ Dr. John Campbell (Mar 16, 2022)

10. COVID Vaccines: Pfizer CEO Was SKEPTICAL of mRNA Vaccines

Pfizer CEO Was SKEPTICAL Of mRNA Vaccines ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Mar 16, 2022)

11. U.S. Petrodollar at Collapse

Saudi Arabia Trading Oil With China…MAJOR NEWS For US Investors ~ Bridger Pennington (Mar 15, 2022)

12. Short Report on Science of Aging

The Science of Slowing Down Aging | WIRED ~ (Jan 21, 2022)


Ending Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to free updates and to share widely critical stuff you encounter here and elsewhere. Also, please lend support if you can. Together we are the change we have been waiting for.

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