Wakeful Video Weekend 2022-03-19 (12 videos) – PLUS Insight Writing

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Summary: Major issues this time are our system’s money policy spinning out of control; plus the COVID vaccination, treatment, and immunity updates. Also deep thought writing on our crumbling/corrupt economy.

Stars and channels: acTVism Munich, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff & David Harvey), Dr. John Campbell, The Jimmy Dore Show (with Aaron Maté), Bridger Pennington, WIRED


  1. Bio-Weapon Making Labs in Ukraine, China, AND U.S.A.?!?
  2. Corrupt Capitalism: Why Corporations Donate To Charities *
  3. Technology Capitalism *
  4. Inflation Trouble from our Money Policy Spinning out of Control **
  5. Marx’s Thoughts on Work Surplus and Healthy Society **
  6. Possibly a Few Decent Politicians in a Foreign Country?
  7. COVID: Vitamin D Helps a Lot
  8. COVID: Ivermectin Helps a Lot
  9. COVID: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccs
  10. COVID Vaccines: Pfizer CEO Was SKEPTICAL of mRNA Vaccines
  11. U.S. Petrodollar at Collapse
  12. Short Report on Science of Aging

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Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-07-19 (17 videos)

Meaningful videos of this week exposing the criminal oligarchy and building a people’s movement for the so much needed system change.

Stars & Channels: Chris Hedges, Jesse Ventura, Richard Wolff, the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, Psychologist Ramani Durvasula (acTVism Munich), Krystal and Saagar of The Hill, act.tv, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, The Grayzone, NonCompete, Rev. William Barber II & Liz Theoharis (The Real News Network), The Jimmy Dore Show

14 Topics:

  1. U.S. Military Murdering Civilians and Journalists & Deep State Persecuting Whistleblowers and Journalists
  2. Homelessness
  3. Racist Capitalism & People Finally Finding Together
  4. Jesse Ventura on Our Oligarchy’s Corruption
  5. Capitalism: Government is its Base
  6. Mind: Trauma, PTSD, Cultural Lack of Compassion and Empathy, Need for Change…
  7. Antidemocratic Duopoly Corruption Revealed by Wallstreet
  8. System Issue, Not Pull Yourself up by (Nonexisting) Bootstraps Issue
  9. Pandemic: Current, Future, COVID Bio-Weapons Research, Pressure on Gov
  10. Media: The “Elite’s” “Cancel Culture” Hypocrisy
  11. Moral Fusion People’s Movement: Fighting for Life
  12. GOP Wants to Gut Social Security Like Biden
  13. The Two-Arm Oligarchic Party (R&D)
  14. Time for Solidarity & Revolution

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