Truthful News Weekend 2024-05-26 ** – (12 videos plus comments)

Summary: The most interesting may be the second video which hints at possible age reductions (or health improvements and life extension). And the fourth presents Europeans’ disgust of the US.

Stars and channels: Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff & Steve Early), Firstpost, The Jimmy Dore Show, World According To Briggs, More Perfect Union, The Atlantic, Democracy Now!, More Perfect Union, Sabby Sabs, Low Income Relief


  1. Economic Update: Inequality and Surging US Labor Movement **
  2. Age Reversion **
  3. Unions Regrowth –> Hope for Future *
  4. Why Europeans Hate Living In The United States *
  5. A Consulting Firm Secretly Running Every Company (And Government?)
  6. Old Age Near Death Thoughts
  7. Julian Assange Update: His Life-Stuck Continued
  8. US Credit Card Trouble
  9. Israel: Ireland, Norway & Spain Recognize Palestinian State
  10. Israel: Globally Growing Push to End Israel’s Genocide
  11. Cornel West Ignored in his Supposed Presidential Candidacy
  12. Welfares for Chronically Ill People */**

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂

1. Economic Update: Inequality and Surging US Labor Movement **

First half: (1) why the official United States unemployment rate is currently officially low in comparison to historic rates (because of the money lords having current gains for which to temporarily employ more workers), and why U.S. restaurants are losing business; (2) despite free speech and demonstrations originally given as our right now repression of growing American protest movement against Israeli policy in Gaza; (3) also the dramatic cuts in taxes on billionaires vs rising taxes on the poorer half of the U.S. | Second half: interviewing union activist Steve Early on rising labor militancy and unionization.

Economic Update: Roots of a Surging US Labor Movement ~ Democracy At Work (May 20, 2024)

Comments from listeners:

  • I don’t know where that inflation figure comes from, but I’m now paying 50% more than last year for my groceries.
  • I don’t understand why the unemployment numbers are so low. I’m having a next to impossible time getting a job.
    • There are jobs available but none at a living wage.
    • You are not alone. Millions in US, especially over 50, are out of work. I apply for jobs and do heavy networking outreach. I get very few replies back. The responses I get back are on the order of “good luck and god bless.” … The US is an oligarchy now heading for fascism and there are no benevolent dictators. Urgent changes needed that is for sure.

2. Age Reversion **

Nowadays I occasionally come across claims of healing or (in this case) even making one’s body even younger again via good emotions (stress removal), environments (especially beeches), certain foods or so. Here is a short one I met today that is really cool if truthful (still probably not many of us ever getting such chances in our corrupted humanity). (odd that NASA would have done an underwater test like this)

Scientist Lives in Underwater Bunker, De-ages by 10 Years | Vantage with Palki Sharma ~ Firstpost (May 20, 2024)

Comments from viewers:

  • It was not water but a stress free world.
    • No, it was water, even monks in the Himalayas don’t show this kind of reverse aging, and have the guts to acknowledge science.
  • Billionaires will be interested in this. — Me: Yes, they can exploit us to then finance anything they they want while we get blocked.
    • Good! Get them off into the deep and let others live in peace.
    • Please let them! All they do is ruin lives with there ideas and greed.
  • This is not new , The more you acclimatize in extreme conditions like hot and cold climate, the body grows new cells , the more you stay in air conditioned rooms and offices less number of new cells are produced in the body and less immunity and more disease will affect your body.
  • Yet strangely, no submarine crews have ever mentioned this…
  • This has nothing to do with the ocean….. everything to do with the partial pressure of oxygen. The increased pressure of oxygen improve oxygen uptake in the cells and rejuvenate the mitochondria and hence you see all this miraculous changes. Now all this can be achieved by regular pranayama practice and wim hof breathing. Also another new therapy being explored by scientists nowadays is intermittent hypoxia therapy. The pranayama practice of ancient Vedic rishis were designed to achieve the same goals, that is to reverse aging and improve healing and rejuvenate individual cells at a cellular and genetic level…..well if the ancients tell you something it’s superstition but when modern science repackages and presents to you the same….it’s a miracle.
  • What a waste of money… I mean there is no use of living that long when one is not immortal. I’m far more interested in retaining my memories till my next life if there is any / store my memories and experiences in some virtual paranormal space from where I can retrieve it in next life and use it to extend my past life. — Me: Yeah, if we do get rebirths (rather than only being a come-and-go single body once in time with our mind only run by that body’s brain) why then are we kept blocked from past memories?
  • He had no wife yelling at him everyday, no kids yelling and fighting, no work, no stress, no party, no world news, he was not exposed to any BS…
  • I am a software developer… living alone in the jungle for 89 days. … During this time, I had no phone, no GPS, and was completely disconnected from the hectic modern life. Surprisingly, after just three days, my life began to change. My sleep patterns improved, my energy levels increased, and I even lost weight. My diet consisted of raw vegetables and leaves, which brought about a clarity of lifestyle I hadn’t experienced before. I feel like I’ve become a younger, more vibrant version of myself. This experience made me realize how much we miss out on in our everyday lives.

3. Unions Regrowth –> Hope for Future *

… plus some hints on our unions’ history, once helpful, then crushed down; and we need to avoid this crush in the future. A short talk with Richard Wolff.

Unions CAVED To Big Pharma During The Pandemic! ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (May 12, 2024)

Comments from listeners:

  • The leadership of the unions have not been working for the workers for a very long time.
    • Think of them as the camp guards. They serve a purpose for the elites in power. It’s about class, not politics race or gender.
  • My union happily sold me out. They belong in jail just like the rest who pushed this on us.
  • I lost my job and my union wasn’t interested. They supported the government’s response. — Me: When I finally got a career where I got unions (teacher career), they never protected me either.
  • The unions didn’t learn any lessons because they have sold out.
  • Unions and management got married years ago.
  • As someone who has worked for unions, I am not as optimistic about them as Dr. Wolff. It’s time for workers’ co-ops. Stop f-ing around. We will never fix this system within this system.

4. Why Europeans Hate Living In The United States *

People asked apparently had often only come across a single problem rather than knowing ALL our problems, but even the single one any of them came across was enough to make them stay away.

Why Europeans Hate Living In The United States. ~ World According To Briggs (May 6, 2024)

Comment from a watcher:

  • America used to have a WAY higher standard of living: big cars, cheap gas, well made open roads, affordable homes and food. It’s all flipped. Sad. Europeans would be nuts to move here. Only people coming here now are low end workers from South America.

Another comment, very important for Americans who don’t yet know that the US acts like a pirate on their citizens when they dare to live abroad:

  • It is very, very true about the issue of banking services overseas. Congress passed FACTA a few years back to try to catch Americans who were hiding money abroad. The end result was that many, many banks throughout the world refuse to work with Americans, even Americans who aren’t rich. When I lived overseas, my personal banker told me that I shouldn’t say anything about being an American because if the higher ups at the bank find out about it they’d close my account. They hate dealing with Americans and it’s a serious problem for Americans who want to live outside the USA. — Me: Also, as American or (former?) green card holder you must abroad, besides handling tax there, do your annual tax filing with the IRS (and possibly even the last American state you lived in!) AND somehow somewhere present your highest abroad savings of that last year every year (and it looks as if the US agency can simply claim you gave a wrong amount to then grab half or all of your savings away from you). – Can we still regard the USA as a country that entitles and protects its people?

5. A Consulting Firm Secretly Running Every Company (And Government?)

Some interesting infos given in 16 minutes, basically pushing for short-term profits for our rich money lords while on long-term ruining more and more for the rest of us, and often damaging and/or making less good the companies and governments themselves in the process. I found left a bit unclear these three issues: (1) Does McKinsey run only in the US or global? Check: Comments point at not only US. (2) Is it the only one or one of several? Check: Comments point it has competitors. (3) And also the main source for creating monopolies and oligopolies? Well, if McKinsey is not the only such firm, it won’t be the single main source, even if the group of all such firms could be. Some comment claimed though that many or most companies plan such bad deeds anyway nowadays and use “consultants” only to blame others when disfavoring bad things then happen. Still, the main outcome of McKinsey and similar “consulting” firms seems to be the elimination of most separate companies to create monopolies or at least big oligopolies, which has happened to us over a long time making our country and lives worse and worse and worse.

Quick infos on only briefly hinted parts in this episode:

  • On 1929 happened a huge Wall Street crash and began the 10-years-long terrible “Great Depression”.
  • The primary goal of Consumer-Driven Health Plans is reducing employer spending on health care.

McKinsey: The Group Secretly Running Every Company (And Government?) ~ More Perfect Union (May 20, 2024)

Comments from watchers:

  • CEOs getting paid millions, and STILL they need to hire consulting firms to tell them what to do. You would think that for millions of dollars, a CEO could actually do the job themselves. Why are we paying CEOs so much money? For what?
  • I work in consulting. These days I feel like consultings primary purpose to give corporations justification for decisions they were going to do anyway. Consultants just provide a layer of justification for an action but often have little impact over the actual decision being made in the first place.
  • So, they help corporate leeches be as leechy as possible.
  • I’m 60 and have been watching McKinsey destroy companies for most of my career & never get blamed for anything. They are a horrible cancer in our economy.

6. Old Age Near Death Thoughts

Behind the curtain from an old man who describes his late situation, I feel a hint for what I keep proposing and wish for, namely that we must stop isolating each other. We need to re-create systems/communes/communities that would be like large families, none of us dependent on tiny personal families that one may or may not get to have or keep. Thus we could avoid lots of problems when still young and even more so at old age, since none of us can do everything and be everything. We humans need and enjoy each other. It’s time to return to a proper humanity. (And I agree with his arrived love on trees.)

A 97-Year-Old Philosopher Faces His Own Death ~ The Atlantic (Jan 14, 2020)

Comments from watchers:

  • “Half of me is gone”. Those words hit close to home.
  • My father told me just before he passed: “Don’t worry about dying. Dying is easy, Living is hard.” I find comfort in that because my father would not lie to me. He said that for a reason.
  • As someone who just turned 21, I don’t think I ever thought about death or even considered it as a possibility. It never even crossed my mind that I could die or even get old. I mean, I knew that it would happen but it all seemed so far away.

7. Julian Assange Update: His Life-Stuck Continued

The US rulers once again pretending to accept Julian Assange’s human rights by giving yet again an opportunity to appeal U.S. extradition while keeping him imprisoned. I really think, the mafiosi-like rulers in the US and UK wish to keep this non-sentenced hero in prison until he dies.

British High Court Grants WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange the Right to Appeal U.S. Extradition ~ Democracy Now! (May 20, 2024)

Comments from listeners:

  • How can the USA bring criminal charges against an Australian journalist?
  • Calling out war crimes being committed by our government should not be a crime. Free the world!
  • I’m a US war veteran. FREE Assange, and do it NOW.
  • The British justice system should never have arrested Assange – he should have been free to go 10 years ago. — Me: actually 12 years by now.
  • This case is heartbreaking: an innocent man in jail while the criminals walk free.

Part 2 (Sabby Sabs concludes like I do at 9:26):

8. US Credit Card Trouble

Way overpaid for doing almost nothing. Contrast with Europe: In Europe only a tenth of these costs to pay.

You Won’t Believe How The Credit Card Industry Actually Works. ~ More Perfect Union (May 24, 2024)

A comment and sub-comment gives another insight, one that shows us how we get duped:

  • I have a 2% cash back card, haven’t paid any interest because I pay it off at the end of every month (don’t spend more than I can pay back each month) and I get $1500.00 back every year. The card is a No Fee card as well.
    • But the sellers you purchase from have added a 3.5 to 7 percent tax in swipe fees or other fees that goes to the banks, Visa, or MasterCard. So in effect the issuer is just giving you a tiny taste back of what they stole from you.

9. Israel: Ireland, Norway & Spain Recognize Palestinian State

Ireland, Norway & Spain Recognize Palestinian State! ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (May 23, 2024)

10. Israel: Globally Growing Push to End Israel’s Genocide

… on Palestinians. (esp. Gaza)

ICJ Demands Israel HALT Invasion ~ Sabby Sabs (May 25, 2024)

11. Cornel West Ignored in his Supposed Presidential Candidacy

Share start placed here at 4:40 where it really starts in this episode:

Cornel West Held A Rally In Harlem & NOBODY Showed Up! ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (May 23, 2024)

12. Welfares for Chronically Ill People */**

Some of them mentioned. Sadly there are so many, hard to ever find and then apply, reapply, appeal, etc., etc., etc. (and often lose one from getting another, that part not mentioned here) and having to wait endless years to finally get help. So, as we get old, we must spend the rest of our time with these struggles all the time, even when we lose this ability? *groan* — Anti-humane human world (especially in the US)!

Are YOU Eligible for Financial Assistance with Chronic Illnesses? (2024 Guide) ~ Low Income Relief (May 21, 2024)

Important comments from listeners:

  • I’ve been fighting to get SSDI since 2015 and keep getting denied. We’re praying I get approved soon. My disease is rarely on the grant fund list.
    • Yep. When you have a disease they’ve never heard of, you get denied. My case: dystonia. The statey’s had never heard of it, so I got a lawyer. Had a hearing. They had a neurologist there. He said yep, she’s got it. This was over 20 yrs ago. Took 2 1/2 years and had to pay lawyer a great deal of what I was owed.
    • Yep, lawyer is the only way to go. It’s the way the system works. And the lawyer takes a lot of money that was owed to you. But you have no choice really. Good luck!
    • It took me 10 years. Don’t give up.

Part 2: The Housing Choice Voucher Program Section 8 often fails thanks to complication and time limits. *sigh* (it is federal, the rest of stuff in this episode deals with various state thingies):

Honorable Mentions:

  • A few minutes somewhat useful talk starting at 17:07 in: Ask Prof Wolff Live – May 15, 2024 with Jared Yates Sexton ~ Democracy At Work (May 15, 2024)
  • At least two(?) Green Party candidates (young ones) running not for Presidency (one for Congress, the other unclear: Senate called office?): RISING STARS: Young Green Party Candidates Take The Stage! ~ Sabby Sabs (May 21, 2024)


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


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