False Choices | Political Storm

There is a lot of mind-raping and gaslighting going on these days. Proponents of both Trump and Hillary keep vilifying the other of the two and telling us that if we don’t vote for the single alternative placed before us by the GOP-DNC-MSM complex, we are acting irresponsibly.

Read the article here: False Choices, by Dirk Droll

Beware of the Online Octopus

There was a time when people remembered regimes like the Nazis and insisted on data privacy. Along came online services like user-information hungry search engines and social media making unimaginable billions out of their “free” service to the public. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that government spook galvanizations like the NSA aren’t the only ones who can make your skin crawl with what they find out about you and – in the case of the “free” online services – share with others (advertisers for profit and other users for convenience): other patients of your shrink or protected journalistic sources, for example.

Read more at this source: Is Facebook’s People You May Know putting users at risk?

Managing the Masses from Above is a Dangerous Game

Worry about mob rule moved our founders to invent the electoral college fraught with many democracy preventing faults. In the time since then, we have seen a gradual perfection of the Big Brother state, run from behind the curtain by corporation owning oligarchs and their henchmen from a political establishment. In the 2016 Democratic Primaries we saw their machinations unfold with impudence. In an open letter to the superdelegates, one man who grew up in the Soviet Union warns us of the dangers of such condescending steering from above.

Shortly before the opening of the Convention, I heard a disgruntled talk show listener call superdelegates a “politburo.” Watching this grandiose spectacle, I had an eerie feeling. I have seen this show before: the speeches, the fanfare, the party unity, the angry alienated masses in the streets. Mike Bloomberg quipped about Donald Trump: “I know a con when I see one.” I too want to keep cons away from power. But I have also seen my share of politburos on both sides of the Atlantic. I grew up under a politburo. I know a politburo when I see one. And I am familiar with the road paved with its good intentions.

This quote is but a tiny sample of an article so astute, profound, brilliantly worded, and well balanced (like nothing I expected from the title), that if I had a spot on a wall to frame and hang an essay, this would be it. Not only every superdelegate, but every citizen, should mull over the sentiments here put forth. I strongly recommend reading the linked article.

Come the Revolution – But by Whom?

The American twin-party tyranny has clearly sold us (the American people) out to the super-rich and their corporations. We the people need to join forces across traditional party lines to wrest the power from the oligarchs and establish a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. In this regard, here is a salient passage I came across:

The presidential election is being framed as a choice between two views of America. America, the diminished great power seeking to reassert itself or America, the well-meaning work-in-progress. There is a third choice. America, a relentless democratic experiment where the people, not the parties, reimagine the way we do politics, handle social conflict, and determine our future.

The country is ready for “Our Revolution.” But it must be ours. It cannot belong to a party or an ideology. It cannot be exclusionary or narrow. It must bridge the partisan divide, not add to it. It must involve the American people in answering the question, “how do we do this?” That’s the revolution we need.

Source of the quote: Bernie, you say you want a revolution, but whose?

“For members only” American Politics

Closed primaries are one of the most damaging aspects of a regulatory scheme that breeds civic apathy. “For members only” is the principle on which these taxpayer-funded primaries operate — as if they were club elections whose outcomes mattered to members only, and not to all American citizens.

Continue reading ““For members only” American Politics”

Debunking Democratic Convention “Unity” | video

Jordan Chariton of TYT reports from the DNC convention. What we saw was an infomercial. The reality of the convention was very different from the corporate media version. The Democratic party is badly split after what it did to progressive voters this year. Jordan has some sick stories to tell.

How Not To Waste Your Vote: A Mathematical Analysis (a short digest of a long article)

This paper is not against the major parties at all – but rather against the concept that votes somehow “belong” to only Democrats or Republicans. Votes belong to the voter. There has never been a more important time to vote your conscience.

I came across a long, detailed, and did I say long, article which makes a very good case for voting your conscience: How Not To Waste Your Vote: A Mathematical Analysis

The gist: Only not voting your conscience is wasting your vote. Continue reading “How Not To Waste Your Vote: A Mathematical Analysis (a short digest of a long article)”