Truthful News Weekend 2024-03-30 */** – (11 videos plus comments)

Summary: This week again little time for me – a single guy overwhelmed – hence not able to post earlier, and of course limited how many worthwhile videos I can find in a week (but you of course also time limited for them, at least me having spent the time to find some worthwhile ones for you so you can save that search time). At least one fairly nice one is at the top (**/***). (*** = the most excellent, ** near it and **/*** between the two) — And, yes, also a bunch of nice comments from others found and shared here.

Stars and channels: The Jimmy Dore Show, Sabby Sabs, Democracy At Work (Richard Wolff), More Perfect Union, FREENVESTING, Sky News Australia, Tom Bilyeu, Low Income Relief


  1. US Oligarch’s Greedy Wars and Propagandas **/***
  2. Veterans’ “THOR” Organization To Fix our Government **
  3. 60% Of Americans Say Media Is “Enemy Of The People”
  4. Media Example: “The View” Hosts Push For Racial Division *
  5. Economic Update: 2024-03-25
  6. Stealing Money from us in Grocery Stores
  7. Capitalism’s, Wars’, Investments’ Ups and Downs
  8. Our Corrupt Government Now Pushing the Hero Assange to Plead Guilty
  9. Extradition Appeal **
  10. Improving Our Immune Systems
  11. Possibly SNAP Security Upgrades Coming

Best subscribe and share with others, so the efforts I make can serve enough people. (I lack time for social media) Thanks. 🙂

1. US Oligarch’s Greedy Wars and Propagandas **/***

… grabbing big profits by colonial-like wars and terrorism hit on many countries, and splitting up the American people to prevent them from rescuing themselves from the exploitation and mistreatments from the oligarchs. Our mass media also ruled by these oligarchs (robber billionaires) to propagandize and split us up. As some have begone, we all must unite. This interview video starts with presentation of our Nato’s evil war on Libya, but is not limited on this topic, spreading further soon. A neat interview/conversation between the African guy Moussa Ibrahim and our guy Jimmy Dore. 🙂

Hillary Clinton Emails Reveal Real Reason U.S. Destroyed Libya! ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Mar 25, 2024)

Comments from listeners:

  • Libya had guaranteed housing for married couples and universal healthcare under Gaddafi.
  • True they had a high standard of living. They had warehouses around the country stocked with food. Citizens in time of need could access for free food.
  • The wealth from oil was shared with the People.
  • And they did not have to pay for electricity either! Electricity was free for everyone
  • Libya gave at each new married couple a money gift in 5 digit high. Libya had free universities and free healthcare. Gaddafi was in the process of turning the desert into a blooming paradise because he tapped into the immense groundwater reserves beneath the desert floor. But the US bombed all these high-tech irrigation systems. Actually they bombed Libya right back into stone age.
  • Gaddafi also provided $50,000 for people who wanted to start a business. He did a lot for the people. Their literacy rate increased under his rule and the standard of living increased as well. I’m sure he had faults, they all do, but he made tremendous improvements in the country.
  • He was not a dictator, he was a leader. Definitely not a soft leader. He punished crime very harshly. He knew that he had to stay at the top because unfortunately there are very few loyal, corrupt-free people in such high positions. He did not tolerate any revolts, we now know that many revolts do not come from within the country itself, but are staged from outside as a false flag. Gaddafi knew that too…
  • That’s why he had to go. Corruption and greed depend on incompetence in government.
  • Correction. The US hasn’t ended slavery. They have merely substituted chains for debt.
  • And don’t forget we do force work upon prisoners w zero
  • We don’t even know how many are in jail for “violating” laws that only exist for cheap prison labor.
  • And wage slavery.
  • Slavery was just rebranded as wage labor.

2. Veterans’ “THOR” Organization To Fix our Government **

… and aids to non-rich people. Let’s hope this organization grows big and succeeds. Grassroots organization like this one (and “third parties”) should unite/ally with each other to overcome our criminal oligarchs and utterly corrupted R & D Parties. A reminder though that flat tax is an error. (sure, helpful if the super rich would finally get taxed, too, but to make our system perfect over-richness should be taxed away completely to get rid of our government-owning and us-utterly-abusing oligarchs and have plenty of wealth for creating a completely well supported healthy society for us all)

Veterans FIGHT BACK Against Congress (Interview) ~ Sabby Sabs (Mar 26, 2024)

Comments from listeners:

  • This is the most amazing thing I’ve heard so far that actually gives me hope. THOR!!!!!!
  • Flat tax is definitely NOT a good idea. The problem is not only how much is taxed, but WHAT is taxed. Financial gains are tax free, and wealthy people make most of their money from financial instruments. Those should be highly taxed. Income should have progressive taxation (more even than now) with 0 income taxes for people earning under $60,000 and gradually higher for amounts on top of that. Portions over $500,000 should have taxes of 90% at least. — Me: IMHO we need a 100% taxation on overly high incomes and owned wealths: a cap tax, basically a save ceiling/roof in our money system instead of a dungheap wealth pyramid and billionaire tower into outer space.
  • I would sign on to all of it except the flat tax.
  • That would be a tax increase for individuals making less than 48,000 from 12% to 21%. That’s more than half the working population. The highest income earners don’t really pay income taxes. So what a 21% flat tax does is lower the rate for upper middle class and raise the rate for lower income while middle income earners stay about the same.

The link for this THOR organization website:

3. 60% Of Americans Say Media Is “Enemy Of The People”

Luckily a short news video for a change (4 minutes). 😉

60% Of Americans Say Media Is “Enemy Of The People”! ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Mar 30, 2024)

Part 2: a mass media’s show example:

4. Media Example: “The View” Hosts Push For Racial Division *

A mass media example of splitting us up all the time. Fun at 23:41 dealing with sexuality split moving into a funny evaluation of “The View” TV show. And a very good insight given from 25:15 to 27:21, something all humans should learn and grab for human world improvement.

Guest CALLS OUT “The View” Hosts For Pushing Racial Division! ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Mar 30, 2024)

Comments from viewers:

  • They’re paid to keep the division going. They tried to bring him on to belittle him and the opposite effect happened.
    • Let’s not forget everyone on that show is super rich. They already got paid, now they are just trying to stay rich while the poors bicker over race. These people are legit evil. — Me: This case reminds me of my realization that our sufferist system so often pushes people into inhumane activities without even realizing this.
  • They are in a cult.
  • In the 90s we didn’t talk about race, nor did the media. I had every color of skin in my school, & neighborhood growing up, & it wasn’t a problem at all! It’s weird to see this race crap take over, which really shows how manufactured it is!

5. Economic Update: 2024-03-25

The main issue IMHO is the point at the exploitative re-growing child labor in America. First half: Child labor regrowing in America (especially 12 states already far this way), college athletes unionized, strikes. Second half: In our advanced capitalism the few super-rich rule everything (esp. example: our mass media).

Economic Update: How Capitalism Distributes Power ~ Democracy At Work (Mar 25, 2024)

6. Stealing Money from us in Grocery Stores

… simply using slightly higher costs during the selling than are officially put on the things. Let’s hope this news video isn’t just made to hurt a competitor of Walmart.

What Dollar General Doesn’t Want You To Know ~ More Perfect Union (Mar 22, 2024)

Comments from viewers:

  • I worked at Dollar General for almost 3 years. The reason why this happens is because they have someone at the corporate office that changes prices via computer for every store they own. They send new pricing tags to the stores, but the employees can not keep up with the price changes. As often as they change some prices, they would need a full time employee at each store just doing price changes.
  • “Corporations are people,” until it’s time for accountability.
  • It’s funny, if I steal from a company, it’s a “police matter.” If a company steals from me, it’s a “civil matter.”
  • A $1 MILLION penalty is nothing when they take in $ Billions.
  • Please direct ALL your anger towards the executives making the decisions. The local level employees are NOT to blame, they’re just as much victims as you and are underpaid and overworked and used as a shield for taking the blame.
  • Walmart does this deceptive pricing strategy too. I work there, some days our tracking software, yes they keep track, says we are behind in making 2300 price changes. In 4 years I have Never seen that # go down to 0. So with that said, every shopper over-pays for their items, every day. A few people photograph the shelf price and once we verify it we will adjust the price at checkout. BUT those price adjustments are for very few shoppers. Please investigate Walmart!

7. Capitalism’s, Wars’, Investments’ Ups and Downs

… and what our personal life focus should mostly be (meaningful work and relationships). Missing, as in most videos: how to make the human world a lot better (much less bad as it is). A bit interesting, though, to hear some relatively decent insights from an investor guy (which he seems to be).

“What’s Coming Is WORSE Than A Recession” — Ray Dalio’s Last WARNING ~ FREENVESTING (Feb 5, 2024)

Comments from viewers:

  • I actually believe we were better off fishing, hunting and building log cabins. The “progression” is only progress for 2% of the entire country.
  • When the Great Depression and other huge catastrophes occurred, I used to believe that everyone went bankrupt, but they didn’t… Some made millions; I also assumed that everyone closed their businesses during those times, but certain some did start new ones. It all depends on your point of view; there will always be moments of prosperity for some individuals and times of depression or recession for others. — Addition from me on Beanstock’s World to make the thoughts of this comment move higher up: The high prices today are not due to real supply-chain problems or just some innocent accidental inflation (rather the inflation brought upon us by the rich wealth gangsters rising the prices). We have government-helped price changing. The big corps and private equity own our government ( and media), and they put an end to competition. There is no positive capitalism without competition. — To the original oddly written comment, some others gave a good sub-comments: “None of what you are saying is socialism. it’s unchecked capitalism.” | “Not ‘socialistic’ price fixing. Corporate greed!!”
  • Isn’t capitalism reaching it’s end because of its own greed?

8. Our Corrupt Government Now Pushing the Hero Assange to Plead Guilty

… after having terrorized and imprisoned this innocent hero for nearly 14 years by now already.

Assange Team May Be Negotiating Plea Deal! ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Mar 27, 2024)

Comments from listeners:

  • Jailed for the crime of telling the truth.
  • This kinda shit makes me want to unplug from everything, what a fucking clown world where hero’s are prosecuted and villains are lauded. Assange did NOTHING wrong!
  • No one is allowed to violate human rights except the American government. – Antony Blinkin
  • Set him free and give him a Nobel prize along with cash and an apology. — Me: Yes, he should be rewarded and get returned all that was stolen from him as much as possible.
  • Accepting a plea deal is an admission of guilt. He will never be able to sue for civil rights violations or a malicious prosecution if he pleads guilty.
  • The only deal should be how much they owe him for destroying his life!!!
  • Why would he pay for a crime he didn’t commit. He’s not a citizen of the US, he has no obligation to handle classified information as if he was a US official or person.
  • Trump not pardoning him and ending this whole saga really p*ssed me off.
  • The treatment of Assange leaves the judicial system, and military establishment, looking foolish and criminal beyond repair.
  • “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” ~ Edward Snowden

Good comments I had come across elsewhere:

  • Freedom of the press? In America? The land of the free? The American government does not respect the constitution or the laws they pass and inflict on the citizens.
  • Just another thing, as an American, that I am ashamed of. I pray they finally free this man. He’s already lost so much of his life. Not even the war criminals were prosecuted. Why should he? Just shameful.
  • This a crime against humanity.
  • Drop the ridiculous charge!!! Free Assange!!!!
  • Julian has suffered enough over the years. Free him now!
  • Our Australian government needs to get a backbone and protect their citizens.
  • As a US citizen, I’m appalled by our government’s actions.
  • We’re all appalled by all our governments.

Part 2: A reason WHY our criminal government now “offers” this nutty plead – namely that the UK now gives him an appeal chance:

9. Extradition Appeal **

The UK finally shifting away from its terrorism on Julian Assange, or just another trick to keep him imprisoned innocent as he is? I wonder. Anyway here is a brief report:

Wonderful news’: UK High Court grants Julian Assange leave to appeal extradition ~ Sky News Australia (Mar 26, 2024)

10. Improving Our Immune Systems

… in this video especially to cure away cancer. Lethal cancer presented here as cancer that managed to hide from our immune system (which previously has always eliminated developing cancers in one’s body). Proposals: getting helpful bacteria back into our intestines (esp. one called Acromancia mucinophila (or Akkermansia muciniphila???)), helpful chemical compounds in foods (fruits and veggies, especially certain ones mentioned, also seafood,…), …

Starving Cancer: A Surprising Treatment To Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease | Dr. William Li ~ Tom Bilyeu (Sep 9, 2021)

11. Possibly SNAP Security Upgrades Coming

… this year even, like magnetic stripe cards getting switched to chip cards, and faster card replacements when thieved. Side Note: The original bank cards (begun at 1969) were magnetic, thus not thief-checkable by distance, but their data sadly easily stolen on tweaked magnetic payment machines. The chip cards (begun at 2010) sadly are distantly checkable (not just by sellers but also thieves), but are a harder to check by thieves update on the distance-checkable contactless credit cards (begun at 2004) that first got shifted to from merely magnetic ones. Credit Card developments briefly described at: — IMHO the data-thieving hindering with chips may (at least for now) be helpful (more protective), but contactlessness that lets thieves secretly check them from a distance is one of the many stupid, typical nowadays, anti-human developments in the last quarter century.

Major Changes Coming for EBT Cards? Here’s What We Know So Far ~ Low Income Relief (Mar 27, 2024)


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


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